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Then he said, "I wish you success in your undertaking, and here's a trifle for a send-off." He held out a silver dollar as he spoke, but Theodore did not take it. "Thank ye, sir," he said, gratefully; "you've been real good to me, but I can't take any money now, 'cept what I earn. I c'n earn all I need." "So?" replied Mr. Harris, "you're independent.

An' ye can tell 'em, too, that I'll hire who I please, an' pay 'em what they oughter git; an' I'll do me own haulin' an' unloadin' fer nothin' if it suits me. When ye said ye were a walkin' delegate ye spoke God's truth.

'Ye shall not be so. The Christian conception is in sharp contrast to, and the Christian realisation of the conception, should be the absolute opposite of that type to which I have already referred. 'He that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger'; that suggests modesty and meekness of demeanour in bearing the loftiest office.

"Do ye know, Tom, that we've all got to be sold?" said Adolph, and go back to her father's plantation. "How did you hear that?" said Tom. "I hid myself behind the curtains when Missis was talking with the lawyer. In a few days we shall be sent off to auction, Tom." "The Lord's will be done!" said Tom, folding his arms and sighing heavily.

"The letter write send money money money, and the photograph the photograph photograph money," continued the sick man, in the rapid reiteration of delirium. "In course you will to-morrow when the mail goes," returned Daddy soothingly; "plenty of them. Jest now you try to get a snooze, will ye? Hol' on! take some o' this."

He calls Him God's 'Servant, which is a quotation of the Messianic title in the latter part of Isaiah, 'the Servant of the Lord. The fiery speaker swiftly passes to contrast God's glorifying with Israel's rejection. The two points on which he seizes are noteworthy. 'Ye delivered Him up'; that is, to the Roman power. That was the deepest depth of Israel's degradation.

Although casting into ye water is by some justified for ye witch having made a ct wth ye devill she hath renounced her baptm & hence ye antipathy between her & water, but this he makes nothing off.

"Here, then, to my secular interests," resumed Lord Foxham: "ye must be as good a friend to me dead, as I found you a gallant enemy when I was living. I fall in an evil hour for me, for England, and for them that trusted me.

"Good-by yersilf," hanging up the receiver. "And the divvle fly away wid ye," grumbled O'Hagan. As he turned away from the instrument Maitland managed to produce a sound, something between a moan and a strangled cough. The old man whirled on his heel. "Pwhat's thot?" The next instant he was bending over Maitland, peering into the face drawn and disfigured by the gag. "The saints presarve us!

"Iv coorse, low people like ye, Hinnissy, will kick because it's goin' to cost ye more to indulge ye'er taste in ennervating luxuries. D'ye know Sinitor Aldhrich? Ye dont? I'm surprised to hear it. He knows ye. Why, he all but mentions ye'er name in two or three places. He does so.