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Some of them fled to places of safety, and returned to Judaism. The gifted young poet Simon Yakovlevich Nadsohn died of a broken heart. Sorkin, the classmate and friend of Levanda, committed suicide, while Levanda, the great novelist of assimilation, was so affected by the massacres and their consequences, that he became melancholy, and died in an asylum for the insane.

He would push her out into the street; but she, after an hour or two, would come back shivering from cold, in a soaked hat, in the turned-up brims of which the rain-water splashed as in waterspouts. Finally, some shady friend gave Simon Yakovlevich the harsh and crafty counsel which laid a mark on all the rest of his life activity to sell his mistress into a brothel.

Half an hour later Simon Yakovlevich and the smooth-faced sub-lieutenant were standing on the platform of the car and smoking. "Do you often visit K , mister sub-lieutenant?" asked Horizon. "Only for the first time just imagine! Our regiment is stationed at Chernobob. I was born in Moscow, myself." "AI, AI, AI! How'd you come to get into such a faraway place?" "Well, it just fell out so.

"Ah, my God!" with a charming frankness retorted Simon Yakovlevich. "Well, what can a poor Jew do in our time? It's a bit of a travelling salesman and a commission broker by me. At the present time I'm far from business. You he! he! he! understand yourselves, gentlemen. A honeymoon don't turn red, Sarochka it don't repeat itself three times in a year.

"Joseph Ivanovich Vengjenovski," Simon Yakovlevich read out loud. "Very, very pleased! And so, should you need me ..." "Why not? It's possible ..." said the land-owner meditatively. "Why, yes: perhaps, indeed, a favourable chance has brought us together! Why, I'm just journeying to K about the sale of a certain forest country house. Suppose you do that, then, drop in to see me.

She had known long and well Simon Yakovlevich, who played amusingly on the piano, danced splendidly, and set the whole drawing room laughing with his pranks; but chiefly, could, with unusually unabashed dexterity, make any carousing party "shell out the coin." It only remained to convince the mate of his life, and this proved the most difficult of all.

Ask wherever you like, in any store which deals in cloths or suspenders GLOIRE I'm also a representative from this firm or buttons HELIOS you just ask who Simon Yakovlevich Horizon is, and everyone will answer you: 'Simon Yakovlevich is not a man, but gold; this is a disinterested man, as honest as a diamond." And Horizon was already unpacking long boxes with patented suspenders, and was showing the glistening leaves of cardboard, covered with regular rows of vari-coloured buttons.

When you see the sign, 'Horizon and Son, then straight off recollect that you once rode in a car together with a young man, who had grown as foolish as hell from love and from happiness." "Ab-solutely!" said the land-owner. And Simon Yakovlevich at once turned to him: "But I also work by commission broking.

"And so we'll pay our family visits, will look at the fair, pay a visit to the CHATEAU DES FLEURS, enjoy ourselves a little, stroll a bit, and then to the Volga down to Tzaritzin, to the Black Sea, and then again home to our native Odessa." "That's a fine journey," said the sub-lieutenant modestly. "I should say it's fine," agreed Simon Yakovlevich; "but there are no roses without thorns.

Still the number of Jewish graduate physicians was on the increase. Osip Yakovlevich Liboschüts, who was the son of the famous physician of Vilna, took his doctor degree at Dorpat , became court physician in St. Petersburg, where he founded a hospital for children, and wrote extensively in French on the flora of his country.