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Wullahy! I like not this talk of the grain of Shiraz. Now, while Noorna spake, the eyes of Kadza became like those of the starved wild-cat, and she sprang off and along the marble of the Court, and clawed a passage through the air and past the marble pillars of the palace toward the first room of reception, Noorna following her.

Life of my head! and is thy beauty increased by me? Nay, thou flatterer! Then he said to her, 'Away with these importunate dogs! 'tis the very hour of tenderness! Wullahy! they offend my nostril: stung am I at the sight of them. She rejoined, O Aswarak! star of the morn!

Now, when he was in the presence, he exclaimed, 'Peace, O vendor of apparel, unto thee and unto thine! Shagpat answered, 'That with thee! Said Shibli Bagarag, 'I have heard of thee, O thou wonder! Wullahy! I am here to render homage to that I behold. Shagpat answered, ''Tis well! Then said Shibli Bagarag, 'Praise my discretion!

Then the doors of the recesses flew apart, eight-and-ninety in number, and he beheld divers sitters on thrones, with the diadem of asses' ears stiffened upright, and monkeys' skulls grinning with gems; they having on each countenance the look of sovereigns and the serenity of high estate. Shibli Bagarag laughed at them, and he thought, 'Wullahy! was I one of these?

Now, when he was in the presence, he exclaimed, 'Peace, O vendor of apparel, unto thee and unto thine! Shagpat answered, 'That with thee! Said Shibli Bagarag, 'I have heard of thee, O thou wonder! Wullahy! I am here to render homage to that I behold. Shagpat answered, ''Tis well! Then said Shibli Bagarag, 'Praise my discretion!

So, of thy seeking let us hear to-morrow; but now drink with us, and make merry, and touch the springs of memory; spout forth verses, quaint ones, suitable to the hour and the entertainment. Wullahy! drink with us! taste life! Let the humours flow.

O my beloved in this blest vault, if I love thee for aye, Thank the Vizier! Thine am I, thine! and learns his soul what it has taught to die, Thank the Vizier! Now, Aswarak divined not her meaning, and was enraptured with her, and cried, 'Wullahy! so and such thy love! Thine am I, thine! And what a music is thy voice, O my mistress! 'Twere a bliss to Eblis in his torment could he hear it.

So the Vizier laughed, and Noorna bin Noorka laughed, and he was at a loss to interpret the cause of their laughter. Then said Noorna, 'O my betrothed, there's not a doubt among us of thy dexterity, nor question of thy willingness; but this shaving of Shagpat, wullahy! 'tis longer work than what thou makest of it.

And Ukleet continued, 'What a fortune is yours, O Boolp! truly the tide of fortune setteth into your lap. Fail not, wullahy! to come with all you possess, or if you have not enough when she requireth it to complete the bargain, my mistress will break off with you. I know not if she intend even other game for you, O lucky one!

Wullahy! all Afrites, male and female, are in the service of Shagpat, my light, my eyes, my sun! I his moon! Meantime the King of the City called to Baba Mustapha, 'Hast thou had enough of barbering, O vile one? Ho! a second essay on the head of Shagpat! so shall the might that's in him be indisputable, bruited abroad, and a great load upon the four winds.