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Sir Raoul came his ways to the chamber and entered therein, and greeted the lady, but she greeted him not again, but said thus: "Sir Raoul, thou art nowise courteous. Whether wottest thou forsooth that it is well with me of thy coming? accursed be thou, villain knight!" But Sir Raoul said: "My lady, mercy, a-God's name! I am but dying for grief of thee. For God's sake have pity of me!"

We will put our stuff together, and if you will count us out our portions, we will be afoot by sunrise to-morrow." "Nay, nay, lad, I said not there was such haste; did I, mistress housewife?" For thee, Ambrose, thou wottest I made thee a fair offer of bed and board." "That is," called out the wife, "if thou wilt make a fair scholar of little Will. 'Tis a mighty good offer.

Sister Bow-may, thou wottest that it would be a sore grief to me if thou camest to any harm, and thou also, fellow Wood-wise. Daylight is a good faring-fellow over the waste. Said Bow-may: 'Thou art kind, Gold-mane, and that is thy wont, I know; and fain were I to-night of the candles in thine hall.

But one man is of little avail to a traveller on a perilous road, so if thou wilt I will give leave and license to a half score of our sergeants to follow thee on the road; for, as thou wottest, I may easily wage others in their place.

Now, blessed Lord, would I not longer live, if it might please thee, Lord." And therewith the good man took Our Lord's body betwixt his hands, and proffered it to Galahad, and he received it right gladly and meekly. "Now wottest thou what I am?" said the good man. "Nay," said Galahad.

Except ye heal him forthright, I will put the whole of you to death." The Archiater replied, "O King of the Age, in very sooth we know that this is thy son and thou wottest that we fail not of diligence in tending a stranger; so how much more with medicining thy son? But thy son is afflicted with a malady hard to heal, which, if thou desire to know, we will discover it to thee."

Also in another place He called His passion a cup, where the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Him, and asked of Him that her two sons, when He came to His kingdom, might sit one on His right, and one at His left side. And He answered and said, "Woman, thou wottest not what thou asketh; then He said to them, May ye drink of the cup that I shall drink? and they said, Yea, Lord.

My father was King of the city that stood in this place, and his name was Mohammed, Lord of the Black Islands, which are no other than the four hills of which thou wottest.

Let, therefore, thy husband be to the world as one already dead, and of whom no tidings shall ever come. Recognize me not, by word, by sign, by look! Breathe not the secret, above all, to the man thou wottest of. Shouldst thou fail me in this, beware! His fame, his position, his life, will be in my hands. Beware!” “I will keep thy secret, as I have his,” said Hester. “Swear it!” rejoined he.

"The shortest word is best, father," said Walter, "and this it is, that I would depart in the said ship and see other lands." "Yea and whither, son?" said the merchant. "Whither she goeth," said Walter, "for I am ill at ease at home, as thou wottest, father."