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"Champagne, is it?" said he, mocking them, a big foot in the small of the victim's back as he pulled so hard it made him squeal. "Nothing short of champoggany wather will suit the taste av ye this fine marin', and you with a thousand dollars' wort' of goods swilled into your paunches the past week! I'll give you a dose of champoggany wather you'll not soon forget, ye strivin' devils!

It is one of the most potent sticks that can be used for a boy's "licking." "Well, I will," said Wort, "and I didn't mean to hurt you;" unwilling that Sid should be the only one thought able to inflict an injury. "I now announce," said Will, "that soon as possible, I shall take every boy down to Sandy Beach for an afternoon's fun; that is, every knight who makes up." This had a magical effect.

He had ceased to brew for some time; Cicely could, however, remember sipping the sweet wort, which is almost too sweet for the palate after childhood. They still baked a batch of bread occasionally, but not all that was required. Cicely superintended the baking, passing the barm through a sieve with a wisp of clean hay in it. The hay takes off any sourness, and ensures it being perfectly sweet.

His muse has followed the epicurean maxim, and chosen the shadowy path, fallentis semita vitae, where the dew lies longest on the grass, and the red rowan berries droop in autumn above the yellow St. John's wort. But you will find her all the fresher for her country ways. My knowledge of Mr. William Morris's poetry begins in years so far away that they seem like reminiscences of another existence.

"I was at your place and you gave me a job, sawing wood, this summer." "O, is it you, mister? I see now." "The same one. One good turn deserves another; so let's go along together." All in the club were glad to see the man, excepting Wort. Up the river they slowly but safely went, the fisherman guiding his party through the fog to the place of landing.

Of course, I know you cannot sell fifteen t'ousant wort' of tiamonts in five minutes that is not reasonable pishness. But I could hear nothing at all now not a sound. And the boy the boy that came down to call me up he wasn't come back.

Dangle bad witnessed, the fugitives had been left by him by the side of the road about two miles from Botley. Before Mr. Dangle's appearance, Mr. Hoopdriver had been learning with great interest that mere roadside flowers had names, star-flowers, wind-stars, St. John's wort, willow herb, lords and ladies, bachelor's buttons, most curious names, some of them.

Cap'in know all 'bout him; now he give Nick some more last quit-rent?" "Last, indeed, it will be, then, Nick; for I have already paid you twice for your rights." "Discovery wort' great deal, cap'in see what great man he make pale- face." "Ay, but your discovery, Nick, is not of that sort." "What sort, den?" demanded Nick, with the rapidity of lightning.

It took two boys, Sid and Wort, to stand at the two ends of the curtain and manage the "pammerrammer." As Sid unrolled the glorious succession of artistic beauties that Charlie had sketched, Wort at the other end pulled them along and rolled them up. In front of the curtain was ranged a plank.

Siegmund recollected that these were covered with roses of Sharon the large golden St John's wort of finest silk. He looked, and could just distinguish the full-blown, delicate flowers, ignored by the stars. At last he had something to say to Helena: 'Do you remember, he asked, 'the roses of Sharon all along here? 'I do, replied Helena, glad he spoke so brightly. 'Weren't they pretty?