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Inside also, the once spotless floor was muddy and stained with tobacco, all the old woman's treasures being broken and scattered. Amid all this confusion, in the little front room, once the pride of Winnie's heart, was carefully placed almost the only thing saved from the burning, an easy-chair, cushioned upon the back and sides, and covered with old-fashioned chintz.

How she managed to get back here puzzles me, poor thing, for she's jist for all the world like Rhona's daddy's daddy, Opi Bozzell, what buried his wits in his dead wife's coffin. She's even skeared at me. 'Why, you don't mean to say Winnie's back! cried the landlord. 'To think that I shouldn't have heard about Winnie Wynne bein' back. When did you see her, Sinfi?

There were on the walls the same pictures, with the ruddy fingers of the fire-gleam playing upon them and illuminating them in the same pathetic way, and in front of the fire sitting upon the same chair, was a youthful female figure not Winnie's figure, taller than hers, and grander than hers the figure of Sinfi, her elbows resting upon her knees, and her face sunk meditatively between her hands.

"That means we've missed three dances, and you were to have had two of them with Angie! You'll be in for a dreadful panning " "You wicked little adorable little girl o' mine!" he exclaimed softly, as Winnie's mildly inquiring face appeared around a narrow alley between the close-packed flowering plants. "I'm coming to-morrow, before breakfast " Willa shook her head, the light waning in her eyes.

She had schooled her own, and Winnie's heart to love her under any circumstances, but when she saw with what frigidity she received Winnie's warm welcome, thinking not of the condescension with which she had taken her own hand, her tender heart was pierced as Winnie looked toward her, as if for strength, and she had returned her look with a smile which could not fail to prove to her a ray of sunshine.

Each knew what was uppermost in the other's mind, but Winnie's heart was too full to speak. "I have been thinking, Winnie," said the Sea-flower, "how thankful we should be, that we have so many friends to love us.

Just before we turned that last corner a motor passed us, you know." "Yes, I saw it. One of Farnsworth's, with some of the servants in it." "It was. Patty gives them rides in turn. Now, Winnie the nurse was in, and so it must be her Sunday out. And, of course, Patty is home there with the baby, she never leaves her if Winnie's away, but still I feel as if I must go home to look after that child!"

But now, now come along, Molly girl, and we'll be fixing the rooms, this minute. What's the good of yer going back to the Sisters at all?" And Mrs. Mulligan put a motherly arm around Aunt Winnie's trembling form. "Give her another cup of tea, Molly; for she's all done up with joy at having her own home and her own boy again, thank God for that same!"

And, third, you must make quite sure that Winnie is sure of her own mind, an' that that " "We're all sure all round, father. Quite right. I agree with you. 'All fair an' aboveboard' should be the sailing orders of every man in such matters, especially of every seaman. But, will you explain how I am to make sure of Winnie's state of mind without asking her about it?"

'If you break that amulet, how shall you ever be able to see what would be the effect upon Winnie's fate of its restoration to your father's tomb?