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Yet they were like those vague nightly terrors of wolves, darkness, or mysterious horrors, from which little children often suffer so much, without revealing them, and entirely shake off by day; for Marian awoke in the morning to cheerfulness and activity, with spirits undepressed, full of interest in things around; and only when reminded of her fears, secretly wincing at the sudden throb of pain.

The blow fell rather upon me than my father, and my young shoulders bore it without much wincing. This settled to our universal satisfaction, I went to pay my farewell visit to Sir Sedley Beaudesert. He had made much of me during my stay in London.

Griffin in low neck and volumes of lace; and last, a very pimply-looking carpet, which seemed to suffer from a severe rash. Mr. Griffin had occupied the space between the folding-doors as the company arrived and suavely as suavely, by the way, as his wincing at the cost of it all would admit of received, introduced, and seated them.

Like a Red Indian undergoing torture, Gerald would experience the whole process of slow death without wincing or flinching. He even triumphed in it. He somehow WANTED this death, even forced it. It was as if he himself were dealing the death, even when he most recoiled in horror. Still, he would deal it, he would triumph through death.

"Yes; I'm here," said Phineas, wincing in agony; "but be a little careful, there's a good fellow. I've been down in Kent and put my arm out." "Put your arm out, have you?" said Ratler, observing the sling for the first time. "I'm sorry for that. But you'll stop and vote?" "Yes; I'll stop and vote. I've come up for the purpose. But I hope it won't be very late."

'Oh, my God, my God! he repeated, wincing and trying to drive away the intolerable thought. 'All the same and in spite of everything she loved me, thought he of the girl they had talked about at the farewell supper.

'The best of these Schleswig waters, he went on, is that a boat of this size can go almost anywhere. There's no navigation required. Why 'At this moment a faint scraping was felt, rather than heard, beneath us. 'Aren't we aground? I asked. with great calmness. 'Oh, she'll blow over, he replied, wincing a little. She 'blew over', but the episode caused a little naive vexation in Davies.

Step into Griffin's shop, he'll tell ye Of Goldsmith, Bickerstaff, and Kelly ... And, take one Irish evidence for t'other, Ev'n Homer's self is but their foster brother." Johnson was a rough consoler to a man when wincing under an attack of this kind. "Never mind, sir," said he to Goldsmith, when he saw that he felt the sting.

Yet he looked without wincing at the caricature of Christianity. It was like an act in a pantomime. He had seen funnier things in Africa. Among the Bitongos, for instance. They would have enjoyed this procession, the Bitongos. They were Christians; had taken to the Gospel like ducks to the water; wore top-hats at Easter. But liars such dreadful liars! Just the reverse of the M'tezo.

As I felt the need of talking to-night, I fetched the farming innkeeper from his kitchen and persuaded him to drink some of his own cognac. This he did without wincing, but he soon returned the compliment by bringing out of a cupboard a bottle of clear greenish liquor, which he said was eau de vie de figues. It was something new to me.