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The politic Overtop that model of a rising lawyer here put in a word for Tubbs, and said that the question, in his opinion, was a very pertinent one, for it went to test the memory of his client. If Mr. Wilkeson had just committed murder, he would hardly be in that calm frame of mind which is necessary to the recollection of small facts.

Such a strange, supernatural embodiment of goodness seemed Marcus Wilkeson to her childish fancy. When he entered the room and he was an every-day caller now she looked around with great anxiety to see that all the chairs were in their proper places; that there was no dirt or dust visible anywhere; that everything was in a state of order and cleanliness worthy so exalted a guest.

Among those who know me, I pass for a very shrewd business man, who has made a fortune by his numerous failures. This tribute to my abilities is flattering, but I must disclaim it. But I am tiring you with these petty details of my life." "Not at all, really," said Marcus Wilkeson, who enjoyed the old gentleman's frankness. Mr. Van Quintem paused, and began to show signs of fatigue.

He advanced timidly toward Marcus, who shook hands with him. He sat down before the fire, and commenced fumbling his cap in the old way. "With the exception of that trick, and his shyness, there was little of the original boy Bog about him, "Mr. Wilkeson," said he, giving his cap a twirl, "I am very sorry to see you here; because, I may say, I know you are innocent."

Bog's eyes were instantly turned toward her with an expression of pride and gratitude. "Oh! of course, it is always best to obey the laws," observed Mr. Minford. "And I wouldn't for a moment be thought to advise anything else," added Marcus Wilkeson; "though I never could help admiring pluck and sharpness in business affairs."

His appearance, through the two windows, was that of a finely preserved relic of a past generation, "He always has a long pipe in his mouth, and looks benignantly into the open air," said Wilkeson, "So even you are not wholly devoid of curiosity, and do take some interest in the people on our block," remarked Matthew Maltboy,

Tiffles was not prepared to do this in the present case, but he was willing to pay compliments to any extent. "Ah, Miss Wilkeson, there you do me great injustice," said he, with his pleasantest of laughs. "I drink this glass of wine to 'lovely woman," with a nod at Miss Wilkeson. Miss Wilkeson giggled, and took a fly's sip from the brim of her glass. Tiffles heaved a sigh.

The sudden recollection of those two names Wilkeson and Minford in such a connection, was too much even for my nerves. I read the trial with fearful interest, and rejoiced in your release from the accusation. Providence at last seemed to point out the way to make all the reparation for my crime.

Matthew had studied them, like a skilful strategist, catered to them, and felt quite sure that he had that revered individual on his side. But, in the midst of these pleasant imaginings, there rose the dark and baleful image of Chiffield! Marcus Wilkeson was also pondering pleasantly, if one might judge from the contented smile upon his lips.

"Excuse me," continued Overtop, deprecating further interruption with both hands. "That is the point I was just coming to. Since Maltboy must have female society, and cannot be kept out of it by main force, why not give him the range of this block? Catch the idea, eh? in its full force and bearings?" "Wilkeson and Maltboy implied, by nods, that they caught it.