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Instantly the hum of voices ceased, and young and old turned toward the dining-room, but the host did not enter with them. Before the younger and more active of his guests could reach his side he had slid into the room which I have before described as set apart for the display of Gilbertine's wedding-presents.

Never was wilder disorder of wedding-presents, and not one lost! owing, you'll own, to Uncle Benjy's two bottles of ancient Jamaica rum." Colonel De Craye concluded with an asseveration of the truth of the story. "A most provident, far-sighted old sea-captain!" exclaimed Mrs. Mountstuart, laughing at Lady Busshe and Lady Culmer. These ladies chimed in with her gingerly.

"She varies," observed Sir Willoughby. The ladies took seat in their carriage and fell at once into a close-bonnet colloquy. Not a single allusion had they made to the wedding-presents after leaving the luncheon-table. The cause of their visit was obvious. That woman, Lady Busshe, had predicted, after the event, Constantia Durham's defection.

"There's a regiment of us on view and ready for inspection." Colonel De Craye bowed to her, but she would not be foiled. "Miss Middleton's admirers are always on view." said he. "Are they to be seen?" said Lady Busshe. Clara made her face a question, with a laudable smoothness. "The wedding-presents," Lady Culmer explained. "No."

The county papers were in ecstasies; they discussed the magnificent preparations at the Hall, the number of bride-maids, the superb wedding-presents, the arrangements for the marriage, and the ball to be given in the evening. The minister from Baltimore who was to perform the ceremony was expected to arrive that day.

"True," he had replied; "but that was only not to spoil the beautiful quotation." How joyously he had returned home with the four hundred guldens for himself, the wedding-presents for his little Solomon a cap of black velvet trimmed with gold lace, a Bible bound in green velvet with silver clasps, and the like.

And then, still trembling, still unnerved, she descended to meet him. He was with her father in the drawing-room. The place was littered with wedding-presents. As she entered, he came towards her, and in a moment his quiet hand closed upon hers. Her father went out in search of her mother and they were alone. "What a collection of beautiful things you have here!" he said.

Hence, during the first few weeks of her wedded life, came a critical scene, in which she was brought in collision with one of those "pitiless questions" our author speaks of. Her wedding-presents, manifold and brilliant, had remained at home, in the charge of her mother, during the wedding-journey.

I was through the town by this time, and out on the other side of the hill, where I had always wanted to be; and, sure enough, there was the harbour, all thick with curly ships. Most of them were piled high with wedding-presents bales of silk, and gold and silver plate, and comfortable-looking bags suggesting bullion; and the gayest ship of all lay close up to the carpeted landing-stage.

What patterns! what work!" said Rose-Pompon, as she examined all with simple and perfectly disinterested curiosity. Then she added, "Your pocket is like a shop; where did you get all these pretty things?" Then, bursting into a fit of laughter, which brought the blood to her cheeks, she exclaimed, "Oh, I have it! These are the wedding-presents for Madame de la Sainte-Colombe.