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"Well said, canny Yorkshire!" replied his friend; "and but now you were so earnest to see our good lord! Why, wouldst thou put the lad into the noose that thou mayst slip tether thyself? or dost thou think the maiden will clasp his fair young neck more willingly than thy old sunburnt weasand?" "Go to," answered the falconer; "thy wit towers high an it could strike the quarry.

Now hereupon the archer's gloom was lifted and he strode along singing softly 'neath his breath; yet, in a while he frowned, sudden and fierce: "As for that foul knave Gurth ha, methinks I had been wiser to slit his roguish weasand, for 'tis in my mind he may live to discover our hiding place to our foes, and perchance bring down Red Pertolepe to Hundleby Fen."

Egad, yes! she worships me; and would much sooner apply a knife to her own weasand than scratch my little finger!" "I think she does," said Mr. Brock. "I'm sure of it," said the Captain. "Women, look you, are like dogs, they like to be ill-treated: they like it, sir; I know they do. I never had anything to do with a woman in my life but I ill-treated her, and she liked me the better." "Mrs.

The priests were killed and after a time the Spaniard died also, but not until he had given me the ways whereby I should get at what makes a man's heart rap in his weasand." "Let me see your chart," said the governor. A half-hour later he rose, went to the door, and sent a soldier for the two king's officers.

I had made but few turns, when my door was abruptly thrust open, and Pigtop stalked in, fully dressed. "I can't sleep, Rattlin," said he, "and tarnation glad am I to see that you can't caulk either. A dutiful son you would be, to be snoozing here, and very likely, at this very moment, the rascal's knife is hacking at your father's weasand.

For if anything by chance gets down that way, we are troubled with retching and coughing till it is thrown up again. And this epiglottis being framed so that it may fall on either side, whilst we speak it shuts the weasand, but when we eat or drink it falls upon the windpipe, and so secures the passage for our breath.

But if Rashleigh Osbaldistone were baith the last and best of his name, and granting that he and I ever forgather again, the fiend go down my weasand with a bare blade at his belt, if we part before my dirk and his best blude are weel acquainted thegither!" He pronounced the last threat with an ominous frown, and the appropriate gesture of his hand upon his dagger.

"Give him the steel in his guts!" whispered the blind man. "Slit his weasand, the Scotch pig!" said the one-armed soldier. They were all on me now. "No, I keep him for better sport," snarled Brother Thomas.