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"I am afraid I cannot, Mr. de Brabazon, but if you will allow me to look upon you as a friend, I will call upon you if I have need of a friend's services." "Will you, weally?" "Yes, there is my hand on it. I ought to tell you that I must now earn my own living, and am to give lessons to a young pupil in West Street, three hours daily."

Purt did not like to let go of money among his school chums he was considered a notorious "tight-wad" but he was willing to do almost anything to get away from the greasy-handed butcher. "What what did the dog take? How much were the frankfurters worth?" he stammered. "The dog isn't mine weally! but I'll pay " "A dollar, then.

Both bow and arrow must be a secret, for if anyone saw her with them it might enter into the head of that person not to consider it quite proper for her to punish Aunt Jane. "And Aunt Jane must be punished," muttered Diana. "I must make an arrow, and I must pwick her with it. My bow is weally beautiful it is a little crooked, but what do that matter?

And, Bai- ey Je-ove! I say, old fellah," he added, almost dropping his drawl in his earnestness, "if I can help you in any way at all ah, I should weally be vewy glad ah!" The "us," whom I had "left ah," referred, of course, to officialdom; but, it was kind, wasn't it? There was old Shuffler, too.

Fopling, tremulous with agitation, "if I'm as weak as this at your wedding, what do you weckon I'll be at my own? 'Pon my word, I think I'll have to be bwought to church in an invalid's chair; I do, weally!" "Bless you, my boy, bless you!" exclaimed Mr. Harley, grasping Richard's hand. Mr. Harley had absorbed the impression, probably from the theaters, that this was the phrase for him.

Magruder, magnificently soldierly, with much of manner and rich colour, magnanimously forgetful this morning of "other important duties" and affably debonair though his eyelids dropped for want of sleep, came gradually to halt in his fluent speech. "Weally, you can't talk forever to a potht! If thilenthe be golden he ith the heavietht weight of hith time."

Bai-ey Je-ove! there's Lizzie Dangler. Who's that man she's got in tow, ah?" "Hang Lizzie Dangler!" I exclaimed, impatiently. "Can't you answer a question for once in your life did you see them, or not?" "Weally, Lorton," said he, in quite an imploring way, "you needn't get angwy with a fellah, because he can't tell you what you want to know, you know! It's weally too hot for that sawt of thing.

This ejaculation was produced by the sudden sinking of the two left wheels in the mire in such a manner that the ponderous Colonel Braddon was thrown into Mr. Sprague's lap. "You see, I had to go somewhere," said Braddon, humorously. "Weally, I hope we sha'n't get mixed," gasped Sprague. "If it's all the same to you, I'd rather sit in your lap."

This is uttehly unpwecedented, y' know. I must wemonstwate, weally!" "It's all the option you'll get from me, you jackanapes." He snapped contemptuous fingers under Wyatt's nose. Wyatt buttoned his coat with dignity. "Weally, this pahsses all bounds!" he ejaculated. "Gentlemen, I accept this ah puhson's offeh. I cannot enduah such an associwate. You ah all witnesses.

I can't think where she found it. Yellow cloth with dog-roses worked in filoselle! Imagine me in a yellow apron with spotty roses around the brim!" "He! he! I can't! I weally can't. It's too widiculous!" protested Rosalind. "She sent me a twine bag made of netted cotton. It's awfully useful if you use twine, but I never do. Don't say I said so.