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And we'll see if we can't get you paroled from the school so you can live at home and work for her. I'm going back with you to the school, myself, but I believe that war-correspondent friend of yours has matters moving already." The war-correspondent friend, taking an unusual interest in the case, had been doing his best, but he had found it a case of many complications.

I didn't know whether I ought to take the risk. And then he said his memorable thing: "If you can take the risk of living My God," he said, "if I only had your luck!" His luck, I told him, was a dead certainty. There wasn't a paper that would refuse Tasker Jevons as War-Correspondent. He'd only got to volunteer. Why on earth, I asked him, didn't he? He became very grave.

I never liked a new man better than I liked that robber. And I felt so sorry for him. He told us he had been a war-correspondent and an editor, in happier days, as well as a horse-stealer and a colonel of dragoons. And quite suddenly, just as we were telling him about Lord Tottenham and our being highwaymen ourselves, he put up his hand and said 'Shish! and we were quiet and listened.

What was odd in him was a certain mixture of the correct and the extravagant: as if he were an adventurer imitating a gentleman with rare perfection or a gentleman who had taken a fancy to go about with hidden arms. He might have been a dethroned prince or the war-correspondent of a newspaper: he represented both enterprise and tradition, good manners and bad taste.

You should have been wiser in your day, and bought Y.C.C. stock when it was down to five cents, as 'yours truly' did. You are not, Stedman, as bright a boy as some. And as for your friend, the war-correspondent, he has queered himself for life.

The captain bent down to assist the war-correspondent, who was almost buried under a pile of earth. "Oh, my legs," groaned Singley. Two soldiers took hold of him and placed him with his back against the wall of earth. The lower part of both his thighs had been smashed by pieces from the shell. "Will you please do me a last service?" he asked of Captain Lange. "Of course, Singley, what is it?"

At the head of the pursuit was also Lieutenant R.T. Greaves, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, who was acting as war-correspondent to a newspaper. After traversing a mile, and leaving the men further and further behind, the two officers saw the enemy passing through a wooded graveyard and on to a spur some eighty yards in the rear.

But we must find somebody else." "Has she any money?" asked Doria, who smiled but faintly at the jocular notion of a Liosha-bound Adrian. "Prescott left her about a thousand a year. He was pretty well off, for a war-correspondent." "I don't think she'll have much difficulty.

Having had rather a lengthened connection with the "Globe," he was offered the post of war-correspondent, which he declined. He has passed over many interesting incidents of this wartime in "Round my House," although he has given a few.

"Great Heavens, Gordon!" cried Stedman; "they are firing on us." But Gordon's face was radiant and wild. "Firing on US!" he cried. "On us! Don't you see? Don't you understand? What do WE amount to? They have fired on the American flag! Don't you see what that means? It means war. A great international war. And I am a war-correspondent at last!"