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She wore a green uniform with a crimson voile boudoir cap and as the American stepped inside the slow-going car, she answered his "good morning" with a respectful, "good morning, sir." Being a good traveller, it seemed to me wise to prepare to while away the tedium of the long easy journey to the fourth floor with a friendly chat. "Any of your relatives in the war?"

When Angie Hatton came home from the East the town used to stroll past on Mondays to view the washing on the Hatton line. Angie's underwear, flirting so audaciously with the sunshine and zephyrs, was of voile and silk and crêpe de Chine and satin materials that we had always thought of heretofore as intended exclusively for party dresses and wedding gowns.

"Which frocks shall I leave out for dinner?" the maid asked, as she shook out and hung up the dresses in the wardrobe. "The blue voile for me," replied Dolly, "and er what is your name?" "Foster, miss," and she smiled at Dolly's gentle face. "And the rose-coloured voile for me," directed Dotty. "You'll find, Foster, that our frocks are pretty much alike except as to colour." "Yes, ma'am.

"Onward! onward!" cries the voice of youth; whether it may be that the days are bright, passing in joy and tranquillity, and we can say with the greatest French poet of the present day ay, the greatest, however it may seem Beranger, "Sur une onde tranquille, Voguant soir et matin, Ma nacelle est docile Au souffle du destin. La voile s'enfie-t-elle, J'abandonne le bord.

She wore a white voile dress made with the waist just below her breasts, and the skirt dropping straight and clinging. On her head was a large, simple hat of burnt straw. Through the open-worked sleeves of her dress she could feel the sun bite vigorously. 'I wish you had put on a hat, Siegmund, she said. 'Why? he laughed. 'My hair is like a hood, He ruffled it back with his hand.

"I am afraid you can only think me very silly, my dear," she said, with a sort of humble dignity. "I wished to consult you, but I did not like to; but as you are here, and if you don't mind my asking you a relation can often judge best what is advantageous which gown do you think suits me best, the grey voile, or the lilac delaine, or the white serge?"

The Madonna of the Duke of Alba, in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg. La Vierge au voile, in the Louvre; the Madonna is seated in a kneeling position, lifting the veil from the sleeping Child in order to show him to the little S. John. The Madonna della Tenda at Munich; a composition similar to the last, except that the Child is represented in more lively action, and looking upwards.