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How many famous violists can you name? How many great viola concertos? "The repertoire is too limited," I said, speaking what was on my mind. This fact did not deter her determination. "Mr. Rossi thinks I'd make a great violist," she replied. There was that look again, right in her light brown eyes. Just like her mother. I had a sudden insight: my teenage daughter had a crush on the conductor.

A few the lucky or the talented, but mostly those with both luck and talent found other musical work well below stevedore's wages. Jurgen had tremendous talent but no luck, yet he could not imagine any other life than being a violist. He would not look for non-musical work everything was unsuitable, and certainly unattractive.

"Where have you been attending school?" he asked, while he advised the teacher of Domestic Science not to telephone for groceries until she knew how many she would have in her classes; wrote an order for chemicals for the students of science; and advised the leader of the orchestra to hire a professional to take the place of the bass violist, reported suddenly ill.

I told her to think about it for a while, and after a couple weeks, if she still wanted to descend to being a violist, we'd see. Half an hour later, while I did the dishes, she was on the phone to someone, and jabbered away for a couple of hours to her friends while she dragged the phone all over the living room. I decided again I'd have to join the modern age and get a cordless phone.

He needed a violist, and apparently he was astute enough to take advantage of a young girl's infatuation to get one. Maybe I'd have a word about cradle robbing with Mr. Rossi. Well, no that was a bit much, I decided. Jenny would have given me the silent treatment for a week. I'd have to stay calm.

Not the violin or the cello the viola: underdog of all orchestral instruments. My daughter Jenny wasn't always a violist. We started her out right on the violin something I considered a respectable instrument for a young lady. My ex-wife and I had faint hopes that someday she'd be a concert violinist Jenny was that good from the time she picked up her first quarter-sized fiddle.

Jurgen felt instantly relieved, and regained his composure. "Certainly I play it," he said, returning the man's smile with some hesitation. "Maybe you'll play somethin' for me? Maybe I'll buy yer drink, too." "Well I I've never played much any jazz," Jurgen said slowly. "Folk tunes, show-tunes on rare occasions. I'm a symphony violist, by profession." "Oh," the man answered, wrinkling his brow.