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The poor creature, after looking around her helplessly, declared that she did like them; but that she liked the California nectarines better they were so much juicier." "You don't tell me; gad! that was a good one. Oh, well, she's a meek, harmless old soul, and really, my family's not the snobbish sort, you know." In from the shining sea late that afternoon steamed the Viluca.

"Awfully good of you, old chap. I'm sure she does care for me." "But of course it will be only fair to sis to lay the matter before her just as it is." "To be sure!" Mauburn assented. "And now, thank the Lord, we're under way. Doesn't that breeze save your life, though? We'll eat here on deck." The Viluca swung into mid-stream, and was soon racing to the north with a crowded Fall River boat.

A Hot Day in New York, with News of an Interesting Marriage At five o'clock that day the prow of the Viluca cut the waters of Newport harbour around Goat Island, and pointed for New York. "Now is your time," said Mrs. Drelmer to Mauburn. "I'm sure the girl likes you, and this row with the Milbreys has cut off any chance that cub had. Why not propose to her to-night?"

She fixed a glass upon one of the white, sharp-nosed steam yachts that rode in the distance near Goat Island. "Can you tell me if that's the Viluca?" she asked a sailor landing from a dinghy, "that boat just astern of the big schooner?" "No ma'am; that's the Alta, Commodore Weckford." "Looking for some one?" inquired a voice, and she turned to greet Fred Milbrey descending the steps. "Oh!

Good-morning! yes; but they've not come in, evidently. It's the Viluca Mr. Bines, you know; he's bringing his sister back to me. And you?" "I'm expecting the folks on Shepler's craft. Been out two weeks now, and were to have come down from New London last night. They're not in sight either. Perhaps the gale last night kept them back." Mrs.

So it came that the three members of the Bines family pursued during the summer their respective careers of diversion under conditions most satisfactory to each. The steam yacht Viluca, chartered by Percival, was put into commission early in June. Her first cruise of ten days was a signal triumph. His eight guests were the men with whom he had played poker so tirelessly during the winter.

Drelmer glanced up again at the colour-scheme of heliotrope seated in a victoria upholstered in tan brocade. "Thirty-five, I should say about." "Just twenty-eight." "Just about what I should say she'd say." "Come now, you women can't help it, can you? But you can't deny she's stunning?" "Indeed I can't! She's a beauty and, good luck to you. Is that the Viluca coming in?

"And doesn't Higbee look just too Chicago beside the baron?" replied her brother. The Higbee craft cut her way gracefully up to an anchorage near the Viluca, and launches from both yachts now prepared to land their people. At the landing Percival telephoned for a carriage. While they were waiting the Higbee party came ashore.

Paid Hightower Hotel................ $ 42,983.75 Keep of horses, and extra horse and carriage hire....................... 5,628.50 Chartering steam-yacht Viluca three months.............................. 24,000.00 Expenses running yacht.............. 46,850.28 W. U. Telegraph Company............. 32.65 Incidentals......................... 882,763.90 Total $1,002,259.08