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The Vermejo crowd, with Dorsey himself mounted on Thunderbolt, had a place just ahead of Skinny and Carolyn June. The beautiful black Y-Bar stallion was really a wonderful horse. Speed, strength and endurance radiated with every movement of the glossy, subtle body. Without doubt he was the most handsome animal on the grounds.

It's worth twice as much as your Vermejo holdings but I'll just give you that percentage of odds and call it an even bet that your black stallion don't outrun the little animal th' Ramblin' Kid has entered in the sweepstakes!" But Dorsey did not answer except with a muttered: "Hell, a man's crazy that " He had gone his limit. He had suddenly come to his senses and grown suspicious.

At one o'clock the Grand Parade would circle the mile track at the "Grounds" a hundred level acres enclosed by a high board fence lying at the west edge of Eagle Butte, between the Cimarron River and the road that led out to the Vermejo swing down the main street of the town, return again to the enclosed area, flow once more past the grandstand, salute the judges of the coming events, and the Fifth Annual Independence Rodeo of Eagle Butte would be officially opened.

She flushed, but gazed back at him without flinching. "Well," he continued, "I reckon you'll get your wish th' maverick is goin' to run against th' Vermejo horse!" "The Fourth of July is a week from next Wednesday," Charley said calculatingly. "The Rodeo starts on Tuesday, the roping and bucking finals come on Thursday. That makes the big race come Friday a week from next Friday, ain't it?"

Horses are a good deal like men, you know, Dorsey there's always one that's a little bit better!" The Vermejo cow-man colored at the thrust. "Any of you Quarter Circle KT fellers going in on anything at the Rodeo, this year?" one of the Y-Bar riders asked Skinny before Dorsey could reply.

He was drugged sick yet, in spite of everything, rode the Gold Dust maverick and beat the black wonder-horse from the Vermejo! Lord! and they had all thought he was on a tear! The bottle of whisky was still in the bosom of Skinny's shirt. He had not touched it. He felt a sudden revulsion for the vile stuff.

The Gold Dust maverick closed the gap she caught Dash-Away she evened up with Prince John she left the big sorrel behind she passed Say-So nose to nose for a few rods she ran opposite the black wonder the Thunderbolt horse from the Vermejo. Flip Williams, spurs raking the flanks of Dorsey's stallion, looked around.

Within ten minutes Bert and Charley had placed two hundred and fifty dollars each against five hundred of Sabota's money that the Vermejo stallion would not finish in first place in the big race. Old Judge Ivory, who happened to be present, was agreed upon as stake-holder. "That Thunderbolt horse, he is the devil," Sabota laughed evilly as the money was handed over to the gray-haired judge.