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'Oh, wise young Daniel! she murmured, as Miss Blunt touched the speaker's sleeve and interjected a word into the middle of a piece of depressing narrative. Mrs. Thomas stopped, faltered, and pulled herself up with, 'Well, as I say, with my own verifications these experiences form a body of testimony that should stir the conscience of the community.

He believes, although perhaps he does not know he believes it, that the more extensive verifications are, that the more frequently experiments have been made, and results of the same kind arrived at, that the more varied the conditions under which the same results are attained, the more certain is the ultimate conclusion, and he disputes the question no further.

The verifications of all a Texan's inherited instincts left no doubts, no hopes, no illusions only a grim certainty that this was not conjecture nor probability, but fact. For a moment longer Jean watched the slowly moving dark patch of horsemen against the green background, then he hurried back to the ranch. His father saw him coming strode out as before.

Enormous difficulties in regard to the testimony and the verifications were discussed; they were overcome. Potts was ready for any amount of trouble; Mallard the same. There was clearly a race. There would consequently be a record.

Biology deals only with living beings as isolated things treats only of the life of the individual: but there is a higher division of science still, which considers living beings as aggregates which deals with the relation of living beings one to another the science which observes men whose experiments are made by nations one upon another, in battlefields whose general propositions are embodied in history, morality, and religion whose deductions lead to our happiness or our misery and whose verifications so often come too late, and serve only

Minor verifications attest the exactitude of the dates of the letters, and we may therefore conclude that he returned from Montpellier, found his place taken and lost his old delight in Les Charmettes, in the early part of 1738.

"The lease! the lease!" cried Villemot, "it is a question of good faith " "That could only be proved in a criminal case, by calling witnesses. Do you mean to plunge into experts' fees and verifications, and orders to show cause why judgment should not be given, and law proceedings generally?" "No, no!" cried Schmucke in dismay. "I shall turn out; I am used to it "

They also find it impossible to imagine what makes the anti-pragmatists' dogmatic 'ipse dixit' assurance of reality more credible than the pragmatists conviction based on concrete verifications. M. Hebert will probably agree to this, when put in this way, so I do not see our inferiority to him in the matter of connaissance proprement dite.

Long had the sublime intuition possessed him, that numerical and geometrical relations connect the distances, times, and revolutions of the planets. He began his studies on the planet Mars, a fortunate choice, as the marked eccentricity of that planet would afford ready suggestions and verifications of the true law of irregularity, and on which Tycho had accumulated copious data.

There always seemed to be somebody sticking around; one of the two men next door, who didn't have anything to do but stick around, or Eugenia, who appeared to have settled down entirely on them this time. Well, perhaps it was just as well to wait a little longer and say nothing about it, till he had those last final verifications in his hands.