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He had a curiosity to meet at close range this cosmopolitan heiress of such cultivation as Joe Powers' millions could purchase. What Verden said of her he knew: that she was too free, too scornful, too independent of conventions. All the tabby cats whispered it to each other with lifted eyebrows that suggested volumes, the while they courted her eager and unashamed.

Robert Farnum had sold out his interests in Arkansas and returned to Verden with the intention of buying a small mill in the vicinity. Meanwhile he had the apartment next to the one used by his nephew. "Seen anything of James lately?" he inquired as they started down the street to dinner. "Yes. I saw him to-day. He's leaving town for a week or so." "On business, I suppose.

The idols and their votaries were extirpated: the foundation of eight bishoprics, of Munster, Osnaburgh, Paderborn, and Minden, of Bremen, Verden, Hildesheim, and Halberstadt, define, on either side of the Weser, the bounds of ancient Saxony these episcopal seats were the first schools and cities of that savage land; and the religion and humanity of the children atoned, in some degree, for the massacre of the parents.

The father went downstairs and turned out the light. He brought his wife a large shawl, which he put on the bed-rail, and silently left the room. Then he went and kneeled down by his own bedside, and prayed. Mrs Verden watched her daughter's delirium, and all the time, in a kind of mental chant, invoked the help of God.

The French took possession of Verden on the twenty-sixth of August, and one of their detachments went on the twenty-ninth to Bremen, where the gates were immediately opened to them.

If found guilty, he will at once resign from the editorial charge of the World and will leave Verden forever. The practical man is the man who knows what can't be done. When he begins to let hope take the place of information in this regard, he becomes a conservative. When prejudice takes the place of hope, the mere conservative graduates into a tory, or a justice of the supreme court.

At the time he had wondered just what the president of the Verden Union Water Company had meant. He was slowly puzzling his way to an answer. Chancellor Bland referred often to the "largehearted Christian gentlemen who gave of their substance to promote the moral and educational life of the state." But Jeff knew that many believed Frome and Merrill to be no better than robbers on a large scale.

You've given this town one grand good shaking up. The whole state is getting its fighting clothes on. We've got Merrill and Frome scared stiff about their supreme court judges. Looks to me as if we were going to lick them." The political campaign was already in progress. Hitherto the public utility corporations of Verden had controlled and practically owned the machinery of both parties.

"I wouldn't want to be any trouble," the old man explained. "And you won't be. I want you. James wants you, too, but he can't very well arrange it. I can. So that's settled." In his rooms that evening Jeff very gently made clear to his uncle that Verden believed him to be his son. "If you don't mind, sir, we'll let it go that way in public.

His firm has the cream of the corporation business of Verden. I never saw anything like it." The younger man assented, rather wearily. Somehow to-night he did not feel like sounding the praises of James. His uncle's kindly gaze rested on him. "Tired, boy?" "I think I am a little. I'll be all right after we've had something to eat."