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She met the woman who had taken the medicine to Darby that evening, and she told her all she knew, mentioning among other things the men of the conscript guard she had seen. Vashti's heart gave a sudden bound up into her throat.

Then, as he felt the chill of the night he recalled himself to action with a shiver, and shouldered Vashti's valise. Slowly he climbed the hill with it, to Saaron Farm, and rapped on the door. Tregarthen opened to him, staring. "I have brought your sister-in-law's luggage." "Is it the Governor?... But won't you step inside, sir?" "I thank you; no.

As soon as Mordecai entered upon the office of grand chancellor, he succeeded in subjecting to his sway the provinces that had revolted on account of Vashti's execution.

He did so with a slight wave of the hand. "You wish to ask me a favour?" "I do. I came to plead with you; to say a word on behalf of Eli Tregarthen, your tenant on Saaron Island." The Lord Proprietor started. "Are you at the bottom of that also?" he asked, angrily. Vashti's eyes opened wide in astonishment. "I beg your pardon?" she murmured. "I do not understand."

The Commandant saw Tregarthen's lantern lifted above the gorse, and by the light of it Ruth came down to the narrow pathway came with the face of a ghost, as Vashti sprang up the slope towards her. "Vassy! Not Vassy! " But Vashti's arms were about her for proof. The Commandant, standing below in the shadow of the brake, heard the younger sister's sobs. "Vassy! And to-night!"

She took Matthew Henry's small, unresisting hand, and the four pelted down the slope. Something in Vashti's eyes it could not have been in the words of her last answer, for they were mysterious enough had apparently reassured Annet, who cast away care and called back in triumph as she won the race down to the golden sands.

I did not go down to supper, knowing that the moth would return to flutter about the candle, and preferring that the fluttering should be done in private, as Vashti's jealousy is getting uncontrollable. Passing throught the gentlemen's dressing room, my quick eye caught sight of a letter lying among the costumes.

It came one day in the shape of a letter in the only hand in the world he knew Vashti's. What it could mean he could not divine was his mother dead? This was the principal thing that occurred to him. He studied the outside.

All these years the portrait of Vashti had hung in his chamber. He had not forgotten his rejected queen. But once he beheld Esther, Vashti's picture was replaced by hers. Maiden grace and womanly charm were in her united. The change in her worldly position wrought no change in Esther's ways and manners.

Haman's hostility toward Vashti dated from her banquet, to which the queen had failed to bid his wife as guest. Moreover, she had once insulted him by striking him a blow in the face. Besides, Haman calculated, if only Vashti's repudiation could be brought about, he might succeed in marrying his own daughter to the king. He was not the only disappointed man at court.