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"'I'm afraid you'll find things pretty rough, he resumed, when he had unstrapped my valise, and handed my reins to his man. 'It's lucky you're a bachelor like myself. "I could not quite see the point of this remark either, since, had I been married, I should hardly have sprung my wife upon him in this free-and-easy fashion.

Two good pairs of boots, and a pair of slacks. Then, as regards sleeping. You may get separated from your valise, though, so take a ground-sheet in your pack. Then you will be ready to dine and sleep simply anywhere, at a moment's notice. As regards comforts generally, take a 'Tommy's cooker, if you can find room for it, and scrap all the rest of your cuisine except your canteen.

While sitting in the hotel office one afternoon contemplating matters most seriously, and feeling silly and foolish over my winter's exploit, a young, despondent-looking chap came into the office carrying a valise and bag, about half filled with something. He registered, and after making rates with the landlord, took a seat near me. He had a woe-begone look, and seemed nervous and anxious.

But perceiving, also, that in the way of a valise, she only had a double one made of black spotted, figured sarcenet, with a lining of light red pongee silk, and that its contents consisted merely of two wadded jackets, the worse for wear, and a pelisse, lady Feng went on to tell P'ing Erh to fetch a woollen wrapper, lined with jade-green pongee.

Of the first two, one was our military friend in a blue coat, apparently the leader of the party. Of the second two, one was a smiling, rosy little man, carrying a black valise. Their respective companions walked with hasty, irregular strides, were abstracted, and apparently ill at ease. The party stopped. 'This is the place, said Captain Jones. 'Yes, said Doctor Smith.

Her they hardly knew, she had become a stranger. 'They're too heavy for you, let me carry one, she said. 'They begin to weigh a bit by the time you've gone a mile, he answered. 'Let me carry the little one, she insisted. 'Tha can ha'e it for a minute, if ter's a mind, he said, handing over the valise. And thus they arrived in the streets of shops of the little ugly town on top of the hill.

"Very well, I think I'll give you a trial. We need someone right away. Can you begin work at once?" Dr. Hardman asked. "Yes," replied Frank, much delighted that his plan was working so well. "Very good. You can tell me something about yourself to-morrow, and furnish references I suppose. I see you have brought your valise with you. Your supply of clothing, I suppose?"

There were no street lamps, and only a short stretch of wooden sidewalk, but lights blazed in various windows, shedding illumination without, and revealing an animated scene. They went forward, Westcott, in spite of his confident words, watchful and silent, the valise in one hand, the other grasping her arm.

He was hoisted on his horse by an ostler and two local sots from the tap-room, his valise was strapped none too securely before him, and with a farewell, which was meant to be gracious but was only foolish, he tittuped into the rain. He was as drunk as an owl, though he did not know it.

A sunburned, firm-jawed youth, stained by travel, lay upon the bed puffing at a brown cigarette. "What's the word, Ed?" gasped Merwin. "So, so," drawled that capable youngster. "Just got in on the 9:30. Sold the bunch for fifteen, straight. Now, buddy, you want to quit kickin' a valise around that's got $29,000 in greenbacks in its in'ards." There had to be a king and queen, of course.