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USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. But he doesn't know where to put his own. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. That would be good, and jolly good; only, look here, Ustinya Naúmovna, and just consider it yourself, my friend: what am I going to do with a nobleman for a son-in-law? I shan't dare say a word to him; I'll be all at sea.

LÍPOCHKA. What do you want, daddy? BOLSHÓV. Come here to me. I shan't eat you, never fear. Well, now, Lázar, toddle up! PODKHALYÚZIN. Been ready a long time, sir! BOLSHÓV. Now, Lipa, give me your hand. LÍPOCHKA. How! What nonsense is this? Where did you get this rubbish? BOLSHÓV. Look out that I don't have to force you! USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Now you're catching it, young lady!

Then there are muslins, bouffe mousseline and calico, about twenty, and then waists and morning jackets about nine or ten. And then I've just had one made of Persian stuff. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Lord help you, what heaps you've got! But you go and pick out for me the largest of the gros d'Afrique ones. OLIMPIÁDA SAMSÓNOVNA. I won't give you a gros d'Afrique.

USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Well, now, that's so, my jewel! But, no, wait! You see I told him that Samsón Sílych is rolling in money. PODKHALYÚZIN. See here, you talk too much. But how do you know how much money Samsón Sílych has; you haven't counted it, have you? USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Ask anybody you please; every one knows that Samsón Sílych is the richest sort of merchant. PODKHALYÚZIN. Yes! Much you know!

I tell you, ma'am, that this suitor's such a sort as you've never seen; there's only one thing, ma'am: he's not of aristocratic origin. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. But is she an aristocrat? Pity if she is, my jewel! That's the way things go these days: every peasant girl is trying to worm her way into the nobility.

USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Just hear how sweetly he tells that, the jewel! BOLSHÓV. And since now our daughter is here in person, and in view of the fact that we are convinced of the honorable conduct and the sufficient means of our future son-in-law, which for us is a matter of extreme concern, in consideration of God's blessing, we hereby designate him in the presence of these witnesses. Lipa, come here.

We'll see nothing! BOLSHÓV bursts out laughing; USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA walks off with LÍPOCHKA to the other side of the stage. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA inspects the girl's dress. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. My! how you're dolled up that dress certainly makes you look better. You didn't make it yourself, did you? LÍPOCHKA. Horrible need I had of making it! Why, do you think we're beggars? What are dressmakers for?

But I'll just run up-stairs, darling Agraféna Kondrátyevna is alone in my room. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. I'll follow, my jewel, I'll follow. PODKHALYÚZIN enters. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA and PODKHALYÚZIN PODKHALYÚZIN. Ah! Ustinya Naúmovna! It's been ages since I've seen you, ma'am. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. How are you, dear soul! How've you been? PODKHALYÚZIN. Oh, able to be around, ma'am.

It's always like that. BOLSHÓV. What do you want? LÍPOCHKA. I'm ashamed to tell you, daddy! AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Ashamed of what, you little fool? Speak out if you need anything. USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Shame isn't smoke it won't eat out your eyes. LÍPOCHKA. No, by heavens, I'm ashamed! BOLSHÓV. Well, hide your face if you're ashamed! AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Do you want a new hat; is that it?

If you know of a marriageable man, whether he's a bachelor, unmarried, or a widower drag him straight to me. PODKHALYÚZIN. Will you find him a wife? USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. I will. Why shouldn't I find him a wife? I'll do it in a jiffy. PODKHALYÚZIN. That's very fine, ma'am, But now I ask you, Ustinya Naúmovna, why do you come here to us so confoundedly often? USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. What's that to you?