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But the memory of his disobedience and unkindliness stayed with him, and more than fifty years after, as an old and worn man, he stood bare-headed in the wind and rain for an hour in the market-place, upon the spot where his father's stall had stood. This he did as a penance for that one act of disobedience. Johnson's father was a bookworm, like his son, rather than a tradesman.

Not that he had ever to complain of any unkindliness on the part of the Exmoor family; they were really in their own way very kind-hearted, friendly sort of people that is to say, towards all members of their own circle; and as they considered Ernest one of themselves, in virtue of their acquaintance with his mother, they really did their best to make him as happy and comfortable as was in their power.

Of Carlyle as a man, it is also permissible to say that, irritable, impatient, intolerant, fiercely proud, occasionally hasty in his judgments though he was, preserving to the last, nor caring to get rid of, certain Scottish and Annandale rusticities of manner and mental attitude, no one was ever more essentially self-controlled, patient, and humble than he, or ever faced the real misfortunes of life with a calmer courage; that he was as incapable of conscious injustice, unkindliness, or vindictiveness, as he was of insincerity or impurity; that in pecuniary straits, even in despair, he never wrote a line that he did not believe, never swerved by a hair's breadth from the noble purposes which dominated his life and extinguished all selfish ambition.

These four ways are the awakening to a perception of the nature and cause of evil, as thus defined; the consequent quenching of impure and revengeful feelings; the stifling of all other evil desires, also riddance from ignorance, doubt, heresy, unkindliness, and vexation; the entrance into Nirvana, sooner or later, after death.

There is, also, in this prejudice, an element of unkindliness towards the lower animals, which is utterly out of place. These creatures are all of them part products of the Almighty Conception, as well as ourselves. All of them display wondrous evidences of his wisdom and benevolence.

Those years in New York were a happy time for little Fleda a time when mind and body flourished under the sun of prosperity. Luxury did not spoil her; and any one that saw her in the soft furs of her winter wrappings, would have said that delicate cheek and frame were never made to know the unkindliness of harsher things. "Whereunto is money good? Who has it not wants hardihood.

Eddy's singularly futile question, "As power divine is in the healer, why should mortals concern themselves with the chemistry of food?" Without unkindliness, one feels tempted to reply that this kind of language will begin to be convincing when Christian Scientists show their readiness and ability to sustain life on substances chemically certified to be without nutritive properties.

We'll both go to bed, and the night will bring counsel, and we'll sleep off all unkindliness. Go to bed, little sister! get all the beauty-sleep you aren't in the least in need of, and dream of how happy you're going to be with the man you love. And and in the morning I may have something to say to you. Good-night, dear." And this time he really went.

There was an occasional twinkle in the fierce old fellow's eye and sometimes a certain cackle in his clucking talk, which betokened not unkindliness toward a healthy youngster, and the two soon grew together, as often the young and old may do. Though but what might be called in one sense a dependent, the crippled hunter had a dignity and was arbitrary in the expression of his views.

But when she lifted her big kind hazel eyes to him, the earnestness of her emotion made them pathetic, as the unspeakableness of her pleasures often did. Lord Walderhurst gazed at her through the monocle with an air he sometimes had of taking her measure without either unkindliness or particular interest. "Is Lady Agatha fond of the country?" he inquired.