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He should never eat twice between morning and evening, and should never summon his wife to bed except in her season. In his house, no Brahmana should be suffered to remain unfed or unworshipped.

To live and be silent is a remoter banishment from Life than the irrevocable exile decreed by Death. Granger could now see that the change which he had noted in Spurling might quite well have been the work of a month or two months, and was due to trouble and neglect. The man was unwashed and unfed, and for many nights he had not slept.

If his own soul is unfed, he can hardly be expected to find food for other people, and has no business in any pulpit, but ought to betake himself to some other employment whatever he may have been predestined to I mean, made fit for." "Then do you intend that a man SHOULD make up his sermons from the books he reads?" "Yes, if he cannot do better.

When the dole was ended, laughingly she said, "Master, of a million mouths, is not one unfed?" Laughing, Shiv made answer, "All have had their part, Even he, the little one, hidden 'neath thy heart." From her breast she plucked it, Parbati the thief, Saw the Least of Little Things gnawed a new-grown leaf!

"Cry-baby cripsy," mocked Bob, making ugly faces at the little fellow; for fasting had made Bob quarrelsome. Sad-eyed Mrs. Jones tried in vain to quiet them, carrying and nursing baby and preparing the meal at the same time, for even the older children were cross as unfed cubs. Mrs.

When you remember the 43,000 children who are reported by the School Board to attend the schools of London alone unfed and starving, do you not think there are many thousands to whom we could easily dispose, with advantage, the resurrected shoes of our Boot Factory? This, however, is only one branch of industry. Take old umbrellas.

Let this, however, be fully made clear, that such misunderstanding, if it existed, must have been simply an affair of temper. No impropriety of conduct has, I am very sure, ever been imputed to the lady. The General, as all the world knows, is hot; and Mrs. Talboys, when the sweet rivers of her enthusiasm are unfed by congenial waters, can, I believe, make herself disagreeable.

In fact, granting a relatively pure starting-point, degeneration from it must accompany every step of civilisation, to a certain distance. Unlike Semitic gods, Darumulun receives no sacrifice. The Kurnai ghosts 'were believed to live upon plants, which are not offered to them. Chill ghosts, unfed by men, would come to waning camp-fires and batten on the broken meats.

The Rector ordered me never to go about unfed; but one could not always and there was something I have to tell you that drove all the rest out " "Dear Herbs! Papa can't talk of what you have done without tears. He longed to come, but we could not leave mamma without one of us, and he thought I could do the most for you. I have a note for you." "Forgiving me?" "I should think so. It is in my bag "

The teacher may pump information into the child in a never-ending stream; but so long as he compels the child to adopt an attitude of passive receptivity, and forbids him to react, through the medium of self-expression, on the food that he is receiving, so long will the food remain unassimilated and even undigested, and the soul and mind of the child remain uneducated and unfed.