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Raymond's chief charm; but she was a graceful, stylish-looking woman, rather languid and unenergetic in appearance, as she was in character. Her kiss was affectionate, as she told Lucy that she was very glad to see her, and that she reminded her a little of her poor mother; "though you're much more like your papa," she added.

Yet was it possible that such data did exist somewhere, and that another golden and perfect deed had been done that there was no waste, no failure, after all? But at present these thoughts only came to him in glimpses; he was exhausted now of emotion and speculation. He regarded the pitiless facts with a sunken, unenergetic attention, and wondered when he would be called again upstairs.

This will not, I'm sure, go further than ourselves?" "Absolutely not," said Ronder. "Things have been a little slack here for several years, and although I've done my own little best, what is one against so many, if you understand what I mean?" "Quite," said Ronder. "Well, nobody could call Brandon an unenergetic man quite the reverse. And, to put it frankly, to oppose him one needs courage.

In other words, he eats in that time but 3 ounces of the representative of meat. What would the railroad "Navvy" of England say what the farm labourer if either was doled out 3 ounces of beef or mutton per day to work upon? and if he seemed listless and unenergetic, was then taunted with the name of "indolent, reckless, good-for-naught."

I suppose that this mist comes up from the great lake in certain conditions of the weather. We had just finished our breakfast and rather languidly, for the thick, sultry air left me unenergetic, I told one of the Zulus to see that the two donkeys and the white ox which I had caused to be brought into the town in view of our near departure and tied up by our huts, were properly fed.

There were some poor-looking farmhouses dotting the mountain side. As far as I could learn there was no industry on Achill Island but tilling their miserable crofts. The fishing was monopolized by one man, a Mr. Hector, a Scotchman. The people as far as I could learn had no boats fitted for deep sea fishing and the coast fishing was monopolized. They are said to be lazy, unthrifty, unenergetic.

Mrs Lawson, the widow, was a mild, lady-like person, whose face bore the marks of recent affliction, and whose whole appearance and manners were those of a loving, gentle, unenergetic, and helpless woman, whom sorrow could well crush beyond all power of resistance.

Had not Lord Silverbridge been so very much struck by the charm of the young lady, Lords Glasslough and Popplecourt would not perhaps have found it necessary to run after her. As it was, even that most unenergetic of young men, Dolly Longstaff, was moved to profound admiration. On this occasion they were all up the river at Maidenhead. Mr.

We could not buy a loaf of bread anywhere. And it is anything but pleasant in a time of war to come across such lax and unenergetic people as they proved to be. The men were nearly always at home, and appeared to be discouraged and unwilling to fight. We had all lost our sweet tooth.

It would keep out the unenergetic races of southern and eastern Europe, because a. Ninety-three per cent, of illiterates come from southern and eastern Europe. It would decrease the amount of pauperism, for a. The southern Italians, who are the most illiterate, produce the most pauperism. It would raise the standard of morality, since a. Ignorance is closely coupled with immorality, for