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Une u Kylong u'm donkam shibun ki nongbud bán leit ia leh ia kano-kano ka thyma, namar u long u briew uba khlain shibun bad u by'm jiw don uba lah ba'n pyniap ia u. La ki pyniap ruh u im pat kumne-kumne.

There was rather an odd quality in Jack's tone. "Won't have to? What do you mean?" "You've questioned me a lot, mother. I'd like to put a few leading questions to you. And u'm alone. Olivetta," he remarked pleasantly, "do you know that Sherlock Holmes found it an instructive and valuable occupation to count the stair-steps in a house? Suppose you run out for five minutes and count 'em.

"We don't want her to know yet," Jack insisted; "that's one reason we've done the whole thing so quietly." Then he added jocosely: "If you tell, there's a thing I might tell her about you. About u'm about you and William. Want me to do that eh? Better promise not to tell." "I won't," whispered Mrs. De Peyster. "It's a bargain, then. But there's something else that would surprise her, too.

Hangta uwei u briéw uba na Ralliang u la shim ia ki snir jong u bad u pom ia u; ia kita ki snir u la pyndykut lyngkot lyngkhai bad u la ai ha ki ksew. Naduh kata ka por u Kyllong Raja u'm lah shuh ba'n im pat, bad kumta la jop ia ka Madur, la pynsakyma ia ka jaid Siem Malyniang naduh kata ka por. Te naduh kata hadúh mynta la duh hinniew kyrteng bynriw. U Manik Raitong and his Flute

"U'm, I saw those tender little love passages between you and William!" Mrs. De Peyster stood a pillar of ice. "Better not let mother find it out," he advised. "If she got on to this! But I'll never tell on you, Matilda." He patted her shoulder assuringly. "So don't worry." Mrs. De Peyster's lips opened.

Potentiality is indicated by the verb lah, necessity by the verb dei; dang and da show the indefinite present. The negative is indicated by the particles ym, contracted into 'm, shym, and pat. Ym is put before the verb, e.g. 'ym don briew = there is no one; with a pronoun it is contracted, e.g. u'm wan, he does not come. It follows the sign of the future, e.g. phi'n y'm man, you will not come.

Cautiously, ever so cautiously, she pushed open the pantry door till there was a slight crack giving into the other room. Jack had his arms about Mary's shoulders. "Well, little lady," she heard him ask with tremulous fondness the young fool! "What do you think of our honeymoon?" "I think, sir, that it's something scandalous!" "U'm!

If there were any proofs, somebody else had them that's all." "U'm!" said Marcus, and sat a moment silent. When he spoke again it was with an apparent frankness that would have deceived the devil himself. "See here, I'll tell you my reason for all this, so perhaps you can answer more intelligently.

Lada u'm da leb kumta, la'u klan na ka jaka ka b'ym sang ruh un háp jingaingúh ha ka.

Shym and pat are neptive particles, and are used with negative verbs in the past tense, e.g. u'm shymla man, he did not come. The use of the word "jing." One of the most striking features of the language is the use of the word jing, which is employed to create a verbal noun out of a verb: for instance, take the verb bam, to eat; if we prefix jing we have jingbam, food.