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"Is there any reason why ye na want me to land the Black Bass, Mary?" "There is a particular reason why I don't want your living with Jimmy to make you like him," answered Mary. "My timper is being wined, and I can see where it's beginning to show on you. Whativer you do, don't do what he would." "Dinna be hard on him, Mary. He doesna think," urged Dannie. "You niver said twer words.

She soon run back wi' another bottle in her hand, an' I tell'd her 'twer pop she hed put down. "What hev you bin an' dun, sur?" she sed; "that wur a bottle o' Moses's shampane, at seven shillin's an' sixpence a bottle." I tell'd her I know'd 'twer nothin' but pop, as it fizzled so.

For in her environment she had acquired the faculty of properly estimating the worth of a real man. And then, again, Abigail was a woman, and there is a proverb about the contempt of familiarity. "I reckon 'twer ther heat," she opined barefacedly when the young woman, a girl no longer since the ticking of that clock, expressed her inability to account for her sudden indisposition.

The dependent republic of Pskof and the principality of Twer, paralyzed in the convulsion, appeared to waver; but Ivan, resolved to deprive Novgorod of any help they might ultimately be tempted to offer, drew out their military strength, under the form of a contingency, and left them powerless. Yet, although strongly reënforced on all sides, he still avoided a contest.

I walked in, an' thur wur a hole in the purtition, an' I seed the peeple a-payin' thur money vor bits o' pasteboord. I axed the mon if he could take I to Lunnon. He sed, "Fust, second, or thurd?" I sed, "Fust o' course, not arter; vor Sairy Jane ull be waitin'." He sed 'twer moor ner a pound to pay. I sed the paason sed 'twer about eight shillin'.

"And last year 'twer all over by Sexajessamine Sunday." Joseph remarked. "Bring on the rest Cain." said Gabriel, " and then run back to the ewes. I'll follow you soon." Cainy Ball a cheery-faced young lad, with a small circular orifice by way of mouth, advanced and deposited two others, and retired as he was bidden.

But his mirth got a sudden check as McVey nodded his head knowingly. "Yes, I heered about it; 'twer Matlock, an' he's been talkin' a heap disrespec'ful about how he broke it off in yuh, oveh to Cheyenne. Says as how he is seven hundred dollars nearer even with yuh. I didn't think yuh'd let that coyote soak yuh thataway." His words were distinctly reproachful. Douglass smiled mysteriously.