United States or Japan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It climbed the smooth ascent of her breast, passed up the columned tower of her throat and stared out at him excitedly in the brightness of her eyes. "Men don't ask things like that," she said reproachfully, "at least, only when they're flirting. I sometimes think Don't treat me like all the others who were before me." "What others?" She held his gaze.

The next thing that I knew about it was that I had a revolver as close to my forehead as a revolver will ever be, and that the man Joseph was pushing me toward the car, the while he said something to which I must listen if I would save my life. "Get up, you fool," he cried. "Do you want me to treat you as I've treated him? Get up, or by the Lord I'll blow your brains out!"

He considered him a very superior man, and wished he might have to treat with him in his future negotiations with England. It may be supposed that Mr. Fox, on his part, never forgot the terms of intimacy, I may say of confidence, on which he had been with the First Consul. In fact, he on several occasions informed him in time of war of the plots formed against his life.

He busied himself with his steering wheel, while little chuckles of enjoyment came out of his muffler. "And supposing I were?" he said at last. "Goodness!... I hope you're not?... " in quick alarm. "Why do you hope so?" "Oh, I don't know, except that I've never known a Cabinet Minister in my life, and I never expected, if I met one, to treat him like... like "

Long instructions might be given. I am content to say: "Make your house resemble a club as much as possible and treat your husbands as these ladies, L and C , treat them, and you will be happy and your husbands too." Now I am calm and I think. O misery of miseries! O despair! What I have written expresses the best portion of what I feel. O God, have pity on me. Good people, do not jeer at me.

In dealing with this part of the subject, it would be possible, following the example of Keightley, to treat the little folk of each country separately.

By dinner-time he had cooled down a good deal, and he resolved to treat her with the respect due to her age and former condition of sanity; but to take care that she should not again be alone with him, and to arrange that she should return to her home that day.

The cakes were specially tempting to small boys and for several weeks Anne had had not a little trouble in regard to them. On their way to school the boys would invest their spare cash at Mrs. Hiram's, bring the cakes along with them to school, and, if possible, eat them and treat their mates during school hours.

Christian and Sercombe could not but admire the straightforwardness of the brothers; their conventionality could not prevent them from feeling the dignity with which they acted on their convictions. The quixotic young fellows ought not to be cut for their behaviour! They could not court their society, but would treat them with consideration!

So that's what you learn at school? to come home and call your sister common. Well, if I'm common, you're common too, since we're the same blood." "I never said you were common," sobbed Ellen "and you really are a beast, hitting me about. No wonder I like school better than home if that's how you treat me."