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The following officers received distinguished mention in General Schwan's reports, for service rendered under fire during the campaign in western Puerto Rico: Captain P.M.B. Travis, Eleventh Infantry. Captain R.W. Hoyt, Eleventh Infantry. Captain A.L. Myer, Eleventh Infantry. Captain Penrose, Eleventh Infantry. Captain Macomb, Fifth Cavalry. Acting Assistant Surgeon Savage.

Perhaps such as the Travis Underwoods used to take part in, rather against their own likings, poor things, are much less restrained for the young people than what would come in your daughters' way." "Perhaps; though Lady Rotherwood has once or twice in country-houses had to protect her daughter, to the great disgust of the other young people.

These men have won their freedom; it is well that we learn how." Menlik's expression did not change, but his lids drooped over his eyes as a murmur of what might be agreement came from the group. More than one of them must have understood enough English to translate for the others. Travis wondered about that.

This place had been set up with a single purpose: to protect and preserve the ancient rulers of Topaz. And perhaps the very presence here of the intruding Terrans had released a force, started an unseen installation. Now Travis answered simply: "They want out...." Jil-Lee glanced back at the slit door, but Buck still watched Travis. "They call?" he asked. "In a way," Travis admitted.

Most of them were already on their way to the point Buck had selected for the meeting place. There had been only six men up there, but the Tatars had no way of knowing just how large a portion of the whole clan that number was. Travis' pony lifted his head, nickered, and achieved a stumbling trot.

The night of the musicale Travis Dent was not on the programme, but she sang more than once, and each time, except the first, at the request of the most noted musical people among the guests. It was the general who led her to the piano, first saying that no programme was complete without his favourite ballad.

She did not betray even by a fleeting look on her face what the true state of her feelings was, although I fancied that the readiness of her assent had perhaps more meaning than she would have placed in a simple "Yes" otherwise. "I suppose you know that an attempt is being made to blackmail Mr. Travis?" added Kennedy quickly.

"Against a mixed-up Redax broadcast, you mean!" Jil-Lee exclaimed. "Yes, but you stay here, younger brother. This is a risky climb, and you are not yet strong." Travis was forced to accede to that, waiting as Manulito and Lupe climbed up to the tear and entered. At least Buck and Deklay's experience had forewarned them and they would be prepared for the weird ghosts haunting the interior.

And the orders were to "watch" and "puddle;" and the watchmen were as other men, and some of them doubtless remembered they were working for a company. Travis, the black-eyed young lumberman from the upper Columbia, had been sent down with a special word from the manager commending him as a tried hand, equal to any post or service. The ditch superintendent was looking for such a man.

"One man, all alone, an' as quick of eye an' foot as Bonham, would be pretty sure to make his way safely." "I certainly hope so," said Travis. "At any rate, I intend to send out another letter soon. If the Texans are made to realize our situation they will surely come, no matter how far away they may be." "I hope they will," said Crockett.