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At that very instant such of his own subjects as had seceded from the Established Church to hold conventicles in barns and breweries and backshops in London were hunted by him with bishops' pursuivants and other beagles like vilest criminals, thrown into prison to rot, or suffered to escape from their Fatherland into the trans- Atlantic wilderness, there to battle with wild beasts and savages, and to die without knowing themselves the fathers of a more powerful United States than the Dutch Republic, where they were fain to seek in passing a temporary shelter.

There was nothing alive save the two sentries placed outside the prison, one before the entrance and the other at the corner of the right-hand lane, and they remained erect and still, coagulated, as it were, in that dead street. * Afterwards Louis XIV. Trans.

And for centuries, perhaps, circumstances had never so combined to kindle the mystical fire of faith as they did at Lourdes. * I give this name as written by M. Zola; but in other works on Lourdes I find it given as "Bernarde Loubie a bed-ridden old woman, cured of a paralytic affection by drinking the water of the Grotto." Trans.

It must be confessed, too, that the Irish in America have signally belied the poet's assertion, "Coelum non animam mutant qui trans mare currunt."

"Oh!" exclaimed the Prince, "it's misery beyond belief. On the day she took me to the Quartiere dei Prati* I was quite overcome; it was awful, astonishingly awful!" * The district of the castle meadows see ante note. Trans. "But I remember that we promised to go to see the poor people," resumed Benedetta, "and we have done wrong in delaying our visit so long.

1. For medieval Venice see F.C. Hodgson: The Early History of Venice from the Foundation to the Conquest of Constantinople ; and Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, A Sketch of Venetian History, 1204-1400 . P.G. Molmenti: Venice, its Growth to the Fall of the Republic, vols. I and II (The Middle Ages), trans. H.F. Brown ; and La Vie Privée

And the breach has ever gone on widening, the dissemblance has become more and more marked; and amidst the evolution of new societies, yet a fresh schism appears inevitable and proximate in spite of all the despairing efforts to maintain union. * So called because it occupies the site of a temple to Minerva. Trans.

Trans. by J. MASON GOOD. Oppressed by both war and pestilence, the Athenians were seized with rage and despair, and accused Pericles of being the author of their misfortunes. But that determined man still adhered to his plans, and endeavored to soothe the popular mind by an expedition against Peloponnesus, which he commanded in person.

Difficulties, indeed, were thickening around it; but their discussion was perhaps felt to be premature, and they were permitted to accumulate without debate, until fortified by fresh testimony into unexpected and overwhelming preponderance. Marius himself, however, seems to have held the Aristotelian terrestrial-exhalation theory of cometary origin. Trans., vol. xxvii., p. 274. Ac.

Euboean falchions too are seen, With rich-embroidered belts between Of dazzling sheen: And gaudy surcoats piled around, The spoils of chiefs in war renowned, May there be found: These, and all else that here you see, Are fruits of glorious victory Achieved by me. Trans. By MERIVALE.