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We must then, I suppose, infer that these six traits of the mouse, already enumerated, tally with the traces which actual totemism would or might leave surviving behind it, or which propitiation of mice might leave behind it, by a chance coincidence, determined by forgotten meanings of words.

+525+. Thus, for example, the contrast between the social system of sterile Central Australia and that of certain tribes on the comparatively fertile southeast coast is marked; the Kurnai have practically no clan totemism. In the islands of Torres Straits and in New Guinea agriculture marks a dividing line between stricter and looser organizations based on regard for the totem.

+517+. It will be sufficient to mention a few examples of the beliefs and usages that appear to point to an original totemism. Belief in a general kinship of men and animals existed among Semites, Greeks, and Romans. Transformations of men into animals are common in Greek mythology.

The animal is regarded as an ancestor or a patron, but clans do not take their names from animals, there is no general rule of exogamy, and there is no word corresponding exactly to the word 'totem. The question arises whether the Malagasy system is a stage antecedent to totemism proper or an attenuated survival of it. +514+. Alleged survivals of totemism among civilized peoples.

It may be frankly confessed that in the present state of knowledge all theories are guesses. +561+. As there are communities in which it is probable or possible that totemism has never existed, so it is conceivable that it has been developed in different ways in different places.

Animal names of individuals have nothing to do with totems. A man has no business to write on totemism if he does not know these facts. What a Totem is The Evidence for Sign-boards Our author's evidence for sign-boards is from an Ottawa Indian, and is published from his MS. by Mr. Hoskyns Abrahall.

Various other usages and ideas would coalesce with those belonging to totemism proper: belief in the superhuman power of nonhuman things, including the conception of mana; the belief that every newborn child is the reincarnation of an ancestor; recognition of omens from the movements of such things; belief in the magical power of names; reverence for ancestors a natural feeling, in itself independent of the totemic conception; totems regarded as creators; the employment of totemic animals as emissaries to the supernatural Powers.

This phenomenon, which is widely known as totemism, appears to be suggested by the prominence given to the wild boar on Celtic coins and ensigns, and by the place assigned on some inscriptions and bas-reliefs to the figure of a horned snake as well as by the effigies of other animals that have been discovered.

For a newly sprung up modern totem our author alludes to a boat, among the Mandans, 'their totem, or tutelary object of worship. An object of worship, of course, is not necessarily a totem! Mr. Max Muller wishes that 'those who write about totems and totemism would tell us exactly what they mean by these words. I have told him, and indicated better sources.

The aborigines of Australia have totemism in the most primitive form known to us; but there is no clear evidence that they attempt, like the North American Indians, to conciliate the animals which they kill and eat.