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They are assuredly not New York any more than Gobelin tapestries and Fortuny pictures and Louis Seize chairs are New York." "How queerly you talk. Where is New York, then?" Oldaker sighed thoughtfully between two spoonfuls of tortue verte, claire. "Well, I suppose the truth is that there isn't much of New York left in New York.

The weather would not allow her to return until the 29th, and then the Rear-Admiral, hopeless of re-assembling the fleet, decided to proceed to Brest. Others were less fortunate. The Tortue frigate, two corvettes, and four transports, were taken. The Surveillante frigate was wrecked, and a transport foundered in the bay; and a third frigate, l'Impatiente, was driven on shore near Crookhaven.

Bread and Beer. Potage de Tortue. Calipash. Calipees. Un Paté de Jambon de Bayone. Potage Julien Verd. Two Turbots to remove the Soops. Haunch of Venison. Palaits de Mouton. Selle de Mouton. Salade. Saucisses au Ecrevisses. Boudin Blanc

It must have dropped off when they removed the body. It's a case of half-mad revenge on Goujon's part, plainly. See it; you read French, don't you?" The paper was a plain, large half-sheet of note-paper, on which a sentence in French was scrawled in red ink in a large, clumsy hand, thus: puni par un vengeur de la tortue. "Puni par un vengeur de la tortue," Hewitt repeated musingly.

There was he plucking at me: "Monsieur Henri-Richie, Monsieur Henri-Richie! mille complimens... et les potages, Monsieur! a la Camerani, a la tortue, aux petits pois... c'est en vrai artiste que j'ai su tout retarder jusqu'au dernier moment.... Monsieur! cher Monsieur Henri-Richie, je vous en supplie, laissez-la, ces planteurs de choux."

If he'd only have put the capitals to the words 'La Tortue, I might have thought a little more about them, instead of taking it for granted that they meant that wretched tortoise in the basement of the house. Well, I've made a fool of a start, but I'll be after that nigger now." "And I, as I said before," said Hewitt, "shall be after the person that carried off Rameau's body.

On the 26th of April Paine marched sixteen miles to the Plaquemine Brulé, and on the following day sent four companies on horseback twenty miles farther toward the southwest across Bayou Queue de Tortue, and another detachment to Bayou Mallet to reconnoitre. Seeing nothing of the enemy, on the 28th Paine rejoined his division and resumed the command of it at Opelousas.

Les filles ainsi assemblees, on leur demande a toutes, les vnes apres les autres, celuy qu'elles veulent des ieunes hommes du bourg pour dormir auec elles la nuict prochaine: elles en nomment chacune vn, qui sont aussi-tost aduertis par les Maistres de la ceremonie, lesquels viennent tous au soir en la presence de la malade dormir chacun auec celle qui l'a choysi, d'vn bout a l'autre de la Cabane et passent ainsi toute la nuict, pendant que deux Capitaines aux deux bouts du logis chantent et sonnent de leur Tortue du soir au lendemain matin, que la ceremonie cesse.

La Salle wished to stop at Port de Paix, where he was to meet the Marquis de St. Laurent, Lieutenant-General of the Islands; Begon, the Intendant; and De Cussy, Governor of the Island of La Tortue, who had orders from the king to supply him with provisions, and give him all possible assistance.

"Punished by an avenger of or from the tortoise or La Tortue clear enough. It would seem that the dead man had something to do with the massacre there, and somebody from the island is avenging it. The thing's most extraordinary." "And now listen. The name of Domingue's nephew, who was Chief Minister, was Septimus Rameau." "And this was César Rameau his brother, probably. I see.