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"It is like you, snake-girl," she said; "so wear it at your wedding." The three angels are to be my only bridesmaids. Robert loads me with gifts, and the duke is going to let me wear all the Torquilstone jewels when I am married, besides the emeralds he has given me himself. I really love him.

To the charge, bold yeomen! why leave ye the good knight and noble Cedric to storm the pass alone? make in, mad priest, show thou canst fight for thy rosary, make in, brave yeomen! the castle is ours, we have friends within See yonder flag, it is the appointed signal Torquilstone is ours! Think of honour, think of spoil One effort, and the place is ours!"

The marshals hastened to undo Ivanhoe's armour, and finding that the head of a lance had penetrated his breastplate and inflicted a wound in his side, he was quickly removed from the lists. III. The Burning of Torquilstone

Not to be behind his companion, this fellow stated, that he had seen Rebecca perch herself upon the parapet of the turret, and there take the form of a milk-white swan, under which appearance she flitted three times round the castle of Torquilstone; then again settle on the turret, and once more assume the female form.

"Disperse and seek your companions. Collect what force you can, for there's game afoot that must be hunted hard, and will turn to bay. Meet me here by daybreak. And stay," he added, "I have forgotten what is most necessary of the whole Two of you take the road quickly towards Torquilstone, the Castle of Front-de-Boeuf.

Ivanhoe, who, enfeebled by his wound, lay concealed in a litter, unknown to his father, was also taken. But Gurth rallied the Saxon outlaws and yeomen of the neighbourhood to the rescue, the Black Knight of the tournament led the attacking party, and in spite of a ferocious defence Torquilstone was stormed.

"Marry, sir, but we have Malvoisin's men-at-arms," said Wamba; "and let me tell you, that, in time of civil war, a halfscore of these is worth a band of wolves at any time. They are now expecting their harvest, and are reinforced with the soldiers that escaped from Torquilstone. So that, should we meet with a band of them, we are like to pay for our feats of arms.

I saw at once it was the duke's writing, and I shivered with excitement. He held it before my eyes. "Dear Robert," it began. "I have seen her. I am conquered. She will make a magnificent duchess. Bring her to lunch to-morrow. Yours, TORQUILSTONE." I really felt so intensely moved I could not speak.

Story 12. The second day of the tournament. Story 13. The siege of Torquilstone. The following extract on the children's story hour is taken from the Pittsburgh bulletin of December, 1901. The Library story hour for the children began in a very modest way at our West End branch. It has passed through the experimental stage and is now a part of the regular routine of our six children's rooms.

I addressed the envelope first, to steady myself: "To "His Grace "The Duke of Torquilstone, "Vavasour House, "St. James's, S.W." Then I put that aside. "I am Evangeline Travers who writes," I began, without any preface; "and I ask if you will see me either here in my sitting-room this evening, or I will come to you at Vavasour House.