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Cedric, Rowena, and Athelstane, returning home with their retinue from Ashby, were waylaid by Bois-Guilbert and his followers, and boldly carried off as prisoners to Torquilstone, Front-de-Boeuf's castle. In those lawless times these Norman nobles trusted thus to obtain a good ransom for Cedric and Athelstane, and to win Rowena for a bride.

'He must have been his grandfather, said Elizabeth; 'Cedric lived a hundred years after. 'But Cedric remembered Torquilstone before the Normans came, said Anne. 'No, no, he could not, though he had been told what it had been before Front-de-Boeuf altered it, said Elizabeth. 'And old Ulrica was there when Front-de-Boeuf's father took it, said Anne.

"When you leave us alone I am going to pull it all down"; and he whispered, "Darling, I love you," so close that his lips touched my ear, while he pretended he was not doing anything. I say, again, Robert has ways that would charm a stone image. "How was Torquilstone last night?" Lady Merrenden asked, "and did you tell him anything?" "Not a word," said Robert.

To me papa's picture is nothing so very wonderful just a good-looking young Guardsman, with eyes shaped like mine, only gray, and light, curly hair. He must have had "a way with him," as the servants say. At that moment the Duke of Torquilstone came in. Oh, such a sad sight! A poor, humpbacked man, with a strong face and head and a soured, suspicious, cynical expression.

It was in vain that Cedric expostulated with his guards, who had too many good reasons for their silence to be induced to break it either by his wrath or his expostulations. They continued to hurry him along, travelling at a very rapid rate, until, at the end of an avenue of huge trees, arose Torquilstone, now the hoary and ancient castle of Reginald Front-de-Boeuf.

There he was, still huddled in his chair, but he got up he is better to-day. Lady Merrenden went over and kissed him. "Dear Torquilstone," she said. "Morning, Robert," he mumbled, after he had greeted his aunt. "Introduce me to your fiancée." And Robert did, with great ceremony. "Now, I won't call you names any more," I said, and I laughed in his face. He bent down and kissed my forehead.

Can the wrinkled decrepit hag before thee, whose wrath must vent itself in impotent curses, forget she was once the daughter of the noble Thane of Torquilstone, before whose frown a thousand vassals trembled?" "Thou the daughter of Torquil Wolfganger!" said Cedric, receding as he spoke; "thou thou the daughter of that noble Saxon, my father's friend and companion in arms!"

"Pray for them with all my heart," said Wamba; "but in the town, not in the greenwood, like the Abbot of Saint Bees, whom they caused to say mass with an old hollow oak-tree for his stall." "Say as thou list, Wamba," replied the Knight, "these yeomen did thy master Cedric yeomanly service at Torquilstone." "Ay, truly," answered Wamba; "but that was in the fashion of their trade with Heaven."

The Jester wore his usual fantastic habit, but late accidents had led him to adopt a good cutting falchion, instead of his wooden sword, with a targe to match it; of both which weapons he had, notwithstanding his profession, shown himself a skilful master during the storming of Torquilstone.

"He can't leave away Torquilstone, and those thousands of profitless acres," Lady Merrenden went on; "but, unfortunately, all the London property is at his disposition. Oh, I must go and talk to him!" "No," said Robert. "It would not be the least use, and would look as if we were pleading." His face had fallen to intense sadness as Lady Merrenden spoke of his money.