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Paul's Church-yard; and Daniel Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar and are to be had of Mr. Hunt at the Repository in Gresham-Colledge. It bears the authority of the Royal Society: 17° Die Maij, 1699. Imprimatur Liber cui Titulus, Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris, &c. Authore Edvardo Tyson, M.D. R.S.S.

For if a particular piece of land be considered absolutely, it contains no reason why it should belong to one man more than to another, but if it be considered in respect of its adaptability to cultivation, and the unmolested use of the land, it has a certain commensuration to be the property of one and not of another man, as the Philosopher shows. Cajetan's commentary on this article clearly emphasises the distinction between fundamentum and titulus: 'In the ownership of goods two things are to be discussed.

V.R. "The Stone of Titulus", thought to be Stone in Kent, or Larger-stone in Suffolk.

In other words, the fundamentum of property rights was natural, whereas the titulus of particular property rights was according to positive law. This distinction is stated clearly by Aquinas: 'The natural right or just is that which by its very nature is adjusted to or commensurate with another person.

"I've taken the titulus from off her neck and set the hat over her head, and that was difficult enough for the praefect's eyes are very sharp. Ten aurei should be the highest bid for a maid without guarantees as to skill, health or condition. And as she is not over well-favoured " But this the mother would not admit.

Istis duobus Imperatoribus non creditur inueniri maior Dominus sub firmamento Coeli. In literis quae huius Imperatoris Tartariae scribuntur nomine ponitur semper iste Titulus. Can filius Dei excelsi, omnium vniuersam terram colentium summus Imperator, et Dominus Dominantium omnium. Circumferentia magni sui sigilli, continet hoc scriptum. Deus in Coelo, Can super terram, eius fortitudo.

Pusey; it may regret, perhaps, that it did not wait for so distinguished a mark for its censure; but its attention has been drawn to some smaller offenders of the same way of thinking, and it has been induced to open all the floodgates of its sonorous and antiquated verbiage to sweep away and annihilate a poor little London periodical "ephemeridem cui titulus, 'The Union Review." The Archbishop of Westminster, not deigning to name Dr.

In the same year he published the book which, in forming a judgment of him as a man and a writer, is perhaps as valuable as the De Vita Propria and the De Utilitate, to wit the De Libriis Propriis. This work exists in three forms: the first, a short treatise, "cui titulus est ephemerus," is dedicated to "Hieronymum Cardanum medicum, affinem suum," and has the date of 1543.

On the page fronting the title of this work the following appears: 17 Die Maij, 1699. Imprimatur Liber cui Titulus, Orang-Outang sive Homo Sylvestris, etc. Authore Edvardo Tyson, M.D., R.S.S. John Hoskins, V.P.R.S. What does this mean?

All that is meant by the distinction between fundamentum and titulus is that, whereas it can be clearly demonstrated by natural law that the goods of the earth, which are given by God for the benefit of the whole of mankind, cannot be made use of to their full advantage unless they are made the subject of private ownership, particular goods cannot be demonstrated to be the lawful property of this or that person unless some human act has intervened.

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