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Tippy was not one who could sit calmly by and see a child suffer for lack of proper instruction, and while Georgina never knew just how it was done, the fact was impressed upon her as years went by that there were many things which she could not do, simply because she was a Huntingdon and because her name had been graven for so many generations around that shining silver rim.

Snubby Nose said, "I beg you not to talk about noses," and he cried and he screamed and he howled, louder than ever. Tippy Toes saw something must be done, so he said, "Oh, never mind, I will go home with you. It will be a long walk around then to my house." They both went east. Snubby Nose said, "Listen, what is that? It sounds like a band!" Tippy Toes said, "What is that?

Tippy Toes answered, "Thank you, Grandpa Grumbles, I will come and visit you for a year and a day," but Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled. I don't know what would have happened next, but Grandpa Grumbles went outside, and opened wide his green cotton umbrella, and invited Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes to step inside.

Then you shall have three hundred each if you can make some new plan by which you can take the women with you." Tippy Tilly scratched his woolly head in his perplexity. "We might, indeed, upon some excuse, bring three more of the faster camels round to this place. Indeed, there are three very good camels among those which are near the cooking fire.

Since she's so taken up with that little Richard Moreland I don't seem as necessary to her as I used to be. And I can't bear that, Tippy, when I've always been first in everything with her. She's so necessary to me." Mrs. Triplett made no answer. She felt that she couldn't do justice to the occasion.

But it was a comfort even in the midst of her distress to feel that she could take such an important part in the preparations, that Tippy trusted her to do the necessary telephoning, and to put up a lunch for Barby without dictating either the messages or the contents of the lunch-box. When Mr.

Bunny Bright Eyes said, "Can you walk a tight rope?" Tippy Toes said he did not know, but Snubby Nose said he had walked a tight rope off and on all his life! Tippy Toes drew a little mirror out of his pocket and said, "Who will walk the tight rope? Whom do you suppose?" The mirror answered, "Two cunning little Bunnies, Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes!"

Then Tippy Toes drew a bucket full of water and said, "Is poor Pussy still in the well?" Papa Cotton-Tail said, "If you ever read your Mother Goose you would know she is not in the well." "Who pulled her out?" asked Tippy Toes. Mother Cotton-Tail said, "Hush, be still, you ask too many questions!" Tippy Toes wondered all day who pulled poor Pussy out.

Such following taught her to move briskly, for Tippy, like time and tide, never waited, and it behooved one to be close at her heels if one would see what she put into a pan before she whisked it into the oven.

"I believe the fellow is friendly to us, but I can't quite make him out," said Cochrane to Belmont. "Do you think that he means that his name is Tippy Tilly, and that he killed Hicks Pasha?" The negro showed his great white teeth at hearing his own words coming back to him. "Aiwa!" said he. "Tippy Tilly Bimbashi Mormer Boum!" "By Jove, I've got it!" cried Belmont. "He's trying to speak English.