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What time is it now?" "Not quite ten o'clock," answered Phil, glancing at his watch. "If I could get away from here immediately, I could make it wire the story to the Recorder with instructions to communicate with the police to-night, I mean. The paper doesn't go to press until after three-thirty. But there's no time to lose." "Hey, 'bo!" called McCorquodale sharply.

There's mustn't be a single slip not a solitary break in our game with Tottenville. And that game will begin at three-thirty on Saturday! "In reverting to Drayne, I wish to impress upon you all, with the greatest emphasis, that this must be treated by you all with the utmost secrecy until we are prepared, with proofs, to go further!

"But will Alden Honeywell, Esquire?" "Surely. Also Mr. William H. Robinson, of the Caronia. At three-thirty the following afternoon three men were waiting in Average Jones' inner office. Average Jones sat at his desk sedulously polishing his left-hand fore-knuckle with the tennis callous of his right palm. Bertram lounged gracefully in the big chair. Mr. Robinson fidgeted.

Eventually Miss Burt did write to Lady Thomson, cautiously. Lady Thomson replied that she was coming up to town on Thursday, and could so arrange her journey as to have an hour and a half in Oxford. She would be at Ascham at three-thirty. Mildred rushed to Tims with the agitating news and both were greatly upset by it.

Fade away!" the enemy ordered, belligerently. And Mr. James Gollop, crestfallen, faded. At exactly three-thirty o'clock on the following day in the Engineers' Club the taciturn Mr. Martin, after some further questioning, took from his pocket a contract and duplicate that assured Mr. James Gollop employment. "I've been in a peculiar situation in this affair," said Martin.

Had it not been for the double accident of Prentys spraining her wrist and having failed to mention that the car must be back by three-thirty, he would never have been allowed to know that there was a General.

But all that, as I say, came later, and for many weeks yet "Uncle Sim" pursued Clint in his dreams and the days when he had a Greek recitation were dreaded ones. The afternoon following that on which he had absented himself from practice saw Clint approaching the field at three-thirty with misgivings.

Then we shall all go our separate ways." Kennedy was telephoning frantically through the regular hotel service to find out how the trains ran for Washington. The only one that would get there before nine was the three-thirty; the next, leaving an hour later, did not arrive until nearly eleven.

This is the tradgic story. Tom had gone to the station, feeling repentant probably, or perhaps wishing to drive the Arab, and finding me not yet there, had conversed with the hackman. And that person, for whom I have nothing but contempt and scorn, had observed to him that every day I met a young gentleman at the three-thirty train and took him for a ride! Could Mendasity do more?

Then Williamson stands watch until three-thirty in the morning. After that Eph comes up and takes the trick until it's time to call us all." "When do I come on watch?" asked Jack. "I never heard the captain of a craft had to stand watch in port," laughed Hal Hastings "Besides, old fellow, we couldn't be sure you'd be aboard to-night. So the watches are all arranged.