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Gwen then said: "Very good, then, Blencorn, stop at the gate, and Benjamin can go in and say we've come to see the Bull. Go on!" "I wonder," said old Mrs. Prichard, with roused interest, "if that is Davy's granny I wrote to for him. Such a lot he has to say about her! But it was Mrs.... Mrs. Thrale Dave went to stop with." "Mrs. Marrable Granny Marrable is Mrs. Thrale's mother. A nice old lady.

With some people, gloomy penitence is only madness turned upside down. A man may be gloomy, till, in order to be relieved from gloom, he has recourse again to criminal indulgencies. On Wednesday, April 10, I dined with him at Mr. Thrale's, where were Mr. Murphy and some other company. Before dinner, Dr. Johnson and I passed some time by ourselves.

Thrale's clerk, and concluded, 'I need not say how much they wish to see you in London. He said, 'We shall hasten back from Taylor's. Mrs. Lucy Porter and some other ladies of the place talked a great deal of him when he was out of the room, not only with veneration but affection. It pleased me to find that he was so much BELOVED in his native city. Mrs.

On Wednesday, March 18,* I arrived in London, and was informed by good Mr. Francis that his master was better, and was gone to Mr. Thrale's at Streatham, to which place I wrote to him, begging to know when he would be in town. He was not expected for some time; but next day having called on Dr.

Thrale's son, Boswell wrote: 'I perceived that he had so warmly cherished the hope of enjoying classical scenes, that he could not easily part with the scheme; for he said, "I shall probably contrive to get to Italy some other way." Ib. p. 28. A day later Boswell wrote: 'A journey to Italy was still in his thoughts.

Thrale that his fits were apoplectic; such is the blessing of being rich that nobody dares to speak out. In Johnson's Works , xi.203, it is recorded that 'Johnson, who attended Thrale in his last moments, said, "His servants would have waited upon him in this awful period, and why not his friend?" Johnson's letters to the widow show how much he felt Thrale's death. 'April 5, 1781.

That we "now see in a glass darkly," but shall "then see face to face?" This reflection, which I thus freely communicate, will be valued by the thinking part of my readers, who may have themselves experienced a similar state of mind. He returned next day to Streatham, to Mr. Thrale's; where, as Mr.

Whether her attachment to him was already divided by another object, I am unable to ascertain; but it is plain that Johnson's penetration was alive to her neglect or forced attention; for on the 6th of October this year, we find him making a 'parting use of the library' at Streatham, and pronouncing a prayer, which he composed on leaving Mr. Thrale's family:

They seemed flattered by his opinion that they were a promussin' yoong couple. However, the turmoil they created drove the previous events of the day out of Widow Thrale's head. She slept very sound and forgot all about her interview with the old visitor at the Towers!

He said, 'How few of his friends' houses would a man choose to be at when he is sick. He mentioned one or two. I recollect only Thrale's. He observed, 'There is a wicked inclination in most people to suppose an old man decayed in his intellects.