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Updated: November 16, 2024

Indeed curiously, in his gigantic poem-cycle, "the Dynasts," the culmination of his life-work, he seems to hint at a plan of the universe which may be beneficial. To name another quality that gives distinction to Hardy's work: his fiction is notably well-built, and he is a resourceful technician.

His first experience with it had been in making permanent records of telemetered signals from rockets. A technician asked, "Sir, do these peaks occur no matter how the antenna is pointing?" Kerama shook his head. "No. If you will examine the peaks in terms of time and the co-ordinates, you will see that they began at a particular point during a sweep of the sky.

Neither did his three passengers, a young French astrophysicist, an East Indian expert on magnetic fields, and a forty-year-old man from Philadelphia who was coming out to replace a pump technician. Someone else who did not survive was Reed Kieran, the only man in Wheel Five itself to lose his life.

And now you're going in for engineering?" "Yes," said Peer. His face added pretty clearly, "And what concern is it of yours?" "Well, it does seem to me that the modern technician is a priest in his way or no, perhaps I should rather call him a descendant of old Prometheus. Quite a respectable ancestry, too, don't you think?

Not too long after this excitement had started, in fact just after the technician had checked the radar and found that the targets weren't caused by a radar malfunction, ARTC had called for Air Force interceptors to come in and look around. But they didn't show, and finally ARTC called again then again. Finally, just about daylight, an F-94 arrived, but by that time the targets were gone.

We will barely be able to stop. We were too free in the use of our weapons, I fear," replied the Chief Technician. "Well, what would you? We needed those things in our reports. Besides, we could extract fuel from that ore we took on at Planet Nine of Phahlo. It is merely that I wish speed in the return." "As we all do. How soon do you believe the Council will proceed against the new system?"

We all have our theories, just why one pianist who often blunders as readily as a Rubinstein, or who displays his many shortcomings at every concert can invariably draw larger audiences and arouse more applause than his confrère with weaker vital forces, although he be admittedly a better technician, a more highly educated gentleman and perhaps a more sensitive musician.

The fiftieth might have observed what all painters know, that Raphael was not a great painter, either as colorist or technician.

Both ideally and technically, in the way he conceives and the way he handles his subject, he is only superficially romantic or real. His literature, so to speak, is as conventional as his composition. One may compare him to Hogarth, though both as a moralist and a technician a longo intervallo, of course. He is assuredly not to be depreciated.

Thalberg was not only too much of a technician for Chopin, but he was also a Jew and a successful one. In consequence, both poet and Pole revolted. Hummel called on Frederic, but we hear nothing of his opinion of the elder man and his music; this is all the more strange, considering how much Chopin built on Hummel's style.

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