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"The school house went up in short order, and one of the Kinsley boys came by on a Saturday, and he says, says he: 'Jordan, ther school'll be open Monday mornin, and the teacher'll be down for supper on Monday night. 'Send him 'long, says I. I thought he gin a queer kind o' a igiotic laugh, but he said, 'All right, and rid along.

"Then I wish you were the teacher, Harry," said Polly, "but I know I shall like school here at Avondale, and I shall have fine times, even if Sir Mortimer has to stay at home." "Gwen Harcourt will be funny in whatever class they place her," said Harry, "because she says she doesn't want to go to school, and she means to act so that the teacher'll be GLAD to send her home!"

Even wife an' me, thet's been knowin' him f'om the beginnin', not only knowin' his traits, but how he come by 'em, though some is hard to trace to their so'ces, why, sir, even we have to study sometimes to keep in with him, an' of co'se a teacher why, it's thess hit an' miss whether he'll take the right tack with him or not; an' sometimes one teacher'll strike it one day, an' another nex' day; so by payin' schoolin' for him right along in all three, why, of co'se, ef he don't feel like goin' to one, why, he'll go to another.

And he says: 'Tell Princess Polly to hurry up and come, and Rose says she can hardly wait 'til she sees me." "Oh, Polly!" cried Lena, as a happy thought occurred to her, "if she's to be here when school has commenced, you can bring her to school. Teacher'll let us have guests. "I'm glad you read the letter to me, because it makes it seem as if Rose was right here."

It beats me how that child does fret I believe I'll put her to sleep with you after this I'm that beat out I can hardly stand. 'Here, Leander, go and call your father, or you'll be late for school again, an' your teacher'll be sending in more complaints.

I guess I'll go out into my kitchen and git that little no-back cheer. Seems to me as though we'd got all the rest on 'em in use, pretty much." "I'll go, ma," said Madeline. "Teacher'll be wanted to play now, and may be she will? though she can't be got to do it for common folks." I did not enjoy playing on Madeline's melodeon.

Miss Bruce had given them the Testaments to-day, and had said that she hoped each boy would read a little, daily, in his Testament, even if it were only two or three verses. "I wonder if teacher'll ask me next Sunday whether I've read any?" Martin questioned himself now, as he admiringly eyed his piece of red ribbon. "It'll be a shame if I have to tell her, the first Sunday, that I've forgot it!