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"They that were scattered, preached the word," ver. 4, which all the members, men and women, could not do; therefore by all that were scattered must of necessity be meant, not the body of believers in the church, but only the officers of the church. 3. If all the believers were scattered, to what end did the apostles tarry at Jerusalem to preach to the walls? this we cannot imagine. Except.

And he said: "When thou shalt receive this letter, stay not to speak the word that hangeth upon thy lips; and if thou bearest roses in thy hands, stop not to smell them, but haste thee to help us in our need." Then Kai Kaous sent forth Gew with this writing unto Zaboulistan, and bade him neither rest nor tarry until he should stand before the face of Rustem. And he said

She soon discovered Claverhouse at the head of the fugitive party, and exclaimed with bitter irony, "Tarry, tarry, ye wha were aye sae blithe to be at the meetings of the saints, and wad ride every muir in Scotland to find a conventicle! Wilt thou not tarry, now thou hast found ane? Wilt thou not stay for one word mair? Wilt thou na bide the afternoon preaching?

At the same moment tarry hands were laid upon the heads of the leading mules, so that "all the rest stayed and lay down as their manner is." The Spanish soldiers, taken by surprise, were yet a credit to their colours. They fell into confusion at the first assault, but immediately rallied. A brisk skirmish began, over the bodies of the mules, with sharp firing of muskets and arrows.

"I will tarry no jot of time," said the General; "fence the communication of Love's Ladder, as it is called, below, as I take it for almost certain, that the party whom we have driven from fastness to fastness during the night, has at length sprung to the top of yonder battlements from the place where we now stand.

"Give his honour your arms, Zedekiah and Jonathan, to lead him off I will follow instantly. You, Nicodemus, tarry to wait upon me it is not well walking alone in this mansion." "Master Tomkins," said Everard, "I have heard of you often as a sharp, intelligent man tell me fairly, are you in earnest afraid of any thing supernatural haunting this house?"

"But where are Chasteler and Hormayr, who were to join us from Carinthia? I think they are tarrying too long." "But the Bavarians do not tarry," said Eliza, "and they are savage and cruel men. I did not enter the town of Sterzing, but the people on the road told me how the Bavarians killed, burned, and plundered there yesterday; and those who told me cried with rage and grief.

Then turned Jack about and cried out for David, and when he came, he said: "Put thy long legs over a good horse, and ride straight back to the Tofts and gather whatever may bear spear and draw bow, and hither with them, lad, by the nighest road; tarry not, speak no word, be gone!" So David turned, and was presently riding swiftly back through the woodland paths.

Calvin Tabor laughed, and cast a glance of merry malice at me, and bowed low as he replied: "The goods shall be unladen within the hour, Mistress," said he, "and if you and the gentleman would rather not tarry to see them for fear of discovery " "We shall remain," said Mistress Mary, interrupting peremptorily.

They slashed the head of Jenkins, his left ear almost off. Order had been given, 'Scalp him! but as he had no hair, they omitted that; merely brought away the wig, and slashed: still no confession, nor any pieces-of-eight. They hung him up to the yard-arm, actual neck-halter, but it seems to have been tarry, and did not run: still no confession.