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Tarrano's note was indeed, complete defiance. He would not yield up the Brende light. Nor would he deliver himself in Washington for trial. In the suave, courteous language of diplomacy, he deplored the unreasonable attitude of the Earth leaders. Ironically, he suggested that they declare war. He would be overwhelmed in Venia, of course.

In a low corner of the balcony, behind the glow of our barrage, we crouched together, whispering excitedly. But cautiously, for we knew that the microphonic ears of a jailor might be upon us. The Princess Maida here in Tarrano's hands! She was sending us a friend tonight soon; a friend who would help us all to escape. "By the code!" Georg exclaimed.

This brittle air was cold; yet Elza and Tarrano were warm. Before the platform, a ray darted a low-powered ray of a type that was to be so great a factor in the warfare into which we were all so soon to be plunged. It heated the air, so that the platform rushed always through a wind that was balmy. "What did you say?" Elza looked up to meet Tarrano's steady gaze.

Tarrano's words now answered my unspoken questions. He was not looking at Wolfgar, but at Elza. "You, Wolfgar deserve death. You know why I cannot kill you? Why I let you stay here in the tower?" A faint, almost wistful smile parted his thin lips; he did not take his eyes from Elza. "I am greatly handicapped, Wolfgar. The Lady Elza here would not like to have me put you to death.

The fighting here had slackened; Tarrano's men had risen high, engaged at long range by our girls, from whom they were slowly, trickily retreating as though to lure the girls above the city; and my heart was thankful when I heard the relayed order from Rhaalton for the girls to withdraw not to pass above the wall, even at high altitude.

Yet its other end fell upon the hostile house. The white search-ray from the house was submerged, bent outward with Tarrano's beam. From the house, the observer could only gaze along this curved light. He saw the image of the boat not where the boat really was but as though the ray were straight. Elza, staring with her heart in her throat, saw a ball of yellow fire mount from the house.

For months, throughout Venus, Tarrano had spread the insidious propaganda that he alone had the secret of immortality that when he was made ruler, he would use it for the benefit of his followers. Converts to Tarrano's cause were everywhere. In the Central State many welcomed the coming of his army. And now from the Great City his propaganda was being sent to the Earth.

Leave Elza here alone with this man? Georg burst out: "My sister goes with me!" "So?" Tarrano's heavy brows went up inquiringly. A quizzical smile plucked at his lips. "You need have no fear. The Lady Elza " He swung to her. "Not afraid, are you?" "I no," she stammered. "She'll come with us," I declared; but the stoutness of my words could not hide my fear.

"Georg," I exclaimed, "do you know the workings of that model? Could you build another without the notes?" He nodded solemnly. "Yes. And they know that, in Washington. I could build another. But they know by now, that I, too, am in Tarrano's hands "

I had meant to tell her to use the control levers which were on a small table nearby to bring us back to the ground; but with this momentary diverting of my attention, Tarrano's fist struck me full in the face. I staggered back. Elza screamed called something to Tarrano.