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On the 14th Colonel Miller, with the troops and marines, advanced to Tacna, and by my directions took possession of the town, which was effected without opposition, two companies of infantry deserting the royalist cause and joining his force. These I ordered to form the nucleus of a new regiment, to be called the "Tacna Independents."

Though the tension over the ultimate disposal of the Tacna and Arica question was somewhat reduced, it was far from being removed. Chile absolutely refused to submit the matter to arbitration, on the ground that such a procedure could not properly be applied to a question arising out of a war that had taken place so many years before.

Day after day, from morning till night, we were on horseback, now travelling over sandy deserts to the seashore, again penetrating into the heart of the mountains hungry, thirsty, and tired, and always in danger of falling into the hands of the enemy. As a measure of precaution our little force retired to Tacna, where, much to my satisfaction, the colonel received from Lima news of an armistice.

Chilian stamps used along the route of the conquering army, and postmarked with the names of the towns occupied, are much sought after by specialists. These postmarks include Arica, Callao, Iquique, Lima, Paita, Pisagua, Pisco, Tacna, Yca, etc.

It is to him we want to give our information." "The infantry can tell us." "We shall waste time if he is in the rear, and time is precious." "Let us separate. You go forward; I will ride toward Tacna." "It is dangerous, señor." "You forget that I have been over this route." "Well, as you will. If the colonel has not passed, I shall return.

Learning that the Spanish General Ramirez had ordered three detachments from Arequipa, Puno, and La Paz, to form a junction at Tacna, to execute the usual Spanish order to "drive the insurgents into the sea" Miller determined on attacking them separately.

"Lie down and get some rest," said the doctor, "or you will be left behind to-morrow. We have another twelve leagues or so before us yet." "Where are we going?" I asked. "To a village called Tacna." "We call it a town," laughed José. "Why, there are more than four thousand people living in it." "Dear me," exclaimed the doctor good-humouredly, "what a considerable place!"

Half an hour or so may make all the difference in the world." He made a grimace as if to say that a few minutes more or less would matter little; but he saddled his horse promptly, nevertheless, and was ready to start as soon as I. "I reckon," he said, "that we may strike the road from Tacna to Arica by midnight to-morrow, unless our animals founder by the way. Can you trust your horse?"

Humboldt has remarked in one part of the "Personal Narrative," that it would be difficult for any person who had long resided in New Andalusia, or in Lower Peru, to deny that there exists some connection between these phenomena: in another part, however, he seems to think the connexion fanciful. For the remarks on Guayaquil see Silliman's "Journal" volume 24 page 384. For those on Tacna by Mr.

Although the shocks had lasted but a few minutes, the whole town was destroyed. Not one building remained uninjured, and there were few which did not lie in shapeless heaps of ruins. At Tacna and Arica the earth-shock was less severe, but strange and terrible phenomena followed it. At the former place a circumstance occurred the cause and nature of which yet remain a mystery.