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Choose large, white sweetbreads, put them into warm water to draw out the blood, and to improve their color; let them remain for rather more than one hour; then put them into boiling water, and allow them to simmer for about ten minutes which renders them firm. Take them up, drain them, brush over the egg, sprinkle with bread crumbs; dip them in egg again, and then into more bread crumbs.

Grease a mould, and stick the maccaroni closely together all over the mould; when this is done, and which will require some patience, fill up the space with friccassee of chicken, sweetbreads, or whatever may be liked; close the mould carefully, and boil.

Fry some eggs and put on a platter with the sweetbreads and serve with tomato-sauce. Polish Apple Dumpling. Peel and core the apples and fill the space with currants. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and grated lemon peel, and cover each apple with a rich pie-paste. Lay on a well-buttered pie-dish and let bake until done. Serve with wine sauce. Swiss Potato Dumpling.

Serve it with sorrel and anchovy sauce. ROAST SWEETBREADS. Parboil two large ones, and then roast them in a Dutch oven. Use gravy sauce, or plain butter, with mushroom ketchup. ROAST TONGUE. After well cleaning a neat's tongue, salt it for three days with common salt and saltpetre.

Serve in shells or cases. Can be used also without mushrooms if desired. From MISS WILHELMINE REITZ, of Indiana, Lady Manager. Wash one pair of sweetbreads; throw them into boiling water and simmer gently twenty minutes; then throw them into cold water to blanch and cool. When cool pick them into small pieces, rejecting all the fine membrane. Chop fine a half can of mushrooms.

Peckerwood Pup is at this moment, you see, chewing the strings out of my shoes as an appetizer for her supper. How could I eat sweetbreads and truffle, which I know Owen has already ordered, when I knew that more than a hundred small children were at home crying for bread?" "Ann, what is it that makes you so perfectly radiantly beautiful in that faded linen smock and old corduroy skirt?

But this is an extraordinary Pleasure for this new Father to hear out of all their prittle pratlings how sweetly they will commend the Quill that hath received all the Colchester Oisters, Cox-combs, Sweetbreads, Lam-stones, and many other such like things, for they have found by experience that such sort of ingredients occasion very much the kindness of men to their wives.

They lunched off sweetbreads, ices, and fruit, and then, with coffee, cigarettes, and plenty of sugar-plums, settled down in the deepest shade of the garden, Gyp in a low wicker chair, Daphne Wing on cushions and the grass. Once past the exclamatory stage, she seemed a great talker, laying bare her little soul with perfect liberality.

SORREL SAUCE. Wash and clean a quantity of sorrel, put it into a stewpan that will just hold it, with a piece of butter, and cover it close. Set it over a slow fire for a quarter of an hour, pass the sorrel with the back of a wooden spoon through a hair sieve, season it with pepper and salt, and a dust of powdered sugar. Make it hot, and serve it up under lamb, veal, or sweetbreads.

Now it is impossible to say how fast this added liquid will diminish if the simmering is as slow as it should be, it may lose hardly at all, in which case the articles stewed must be taken out, and a few minutes’ hard boiling given to evaporate the liquid and bring the sauce back to the proper point. Sweetbreads in Cases. Prepare two sweetbreads as directed in the foregoing recipes.