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Let's see, I've put about forty in the little trust fund I been buildin' up for you, and given you twelve " He broke off abruptly; his own symptoms puzzled him. As though somebody had tried to throttle him. His sister had already been sitting bolt upright, but now she achieved an even greater rigidity. "Did you take my advice about your will? I don't suppose you did."

"Does that sacre bourgeois suppose that I allow him all that pelletrie to himself and the Compagnie? Four silver fox, besides otter and beaver? NON, MERCI! I take some provision, and some whiskey. I go to make trade also." Thus spoke the shrewd Ovide, proving that commerce is no less daring, no less resolute, than philanthropy. The only difference is in the motive, and that is not always visible.

We have already noted the fact that, while the floors of the deeper seas appear to lack mountainous elevations, those arising from the folding of strata, they are plentifully scattered over with volcanic cones. We may therefore suppose that, in general, the deposits formed on the sea floor are to a great extent affected by the materials which these vents cast forth.

He led Zack, who was still thick in his utterance, and unsteady on his legs, to the parapet wall; let go of his arm there, and looking steadily in his face by the light of the gas-lamp, addressed him, for the first time, in a remarkably grave, deliberate voice, and in these words: "Now, then, young 'un, suppose you pull a breath, and wipe that bloody nose of yours."

Indeed, the wounds had begun to heal healthily when suddenly some kind of fever took him, caused, I suppose, by the poison of the leopard's fangs or claws. Oh! what a terrible week was that which followed! He became delirious, raving continually of all sorts of things, and especially of Miss Margaret Manners.

You don't suppose he'll let seven thousand a year slip through his fingers because he had promised to marry a little girl like her? If her people choose to proceed against him, they'll make him pay swinging damages; that is all." Archie did not like this idea at all, and became more than ever intent on his own matrimonial prospects.

"And what is the first thing for me to do?" asked Glen. "Excellent talk, that, my boy. What would you advise as to the first thing." "I suppose you can't do much exploring while the corn stands. It should be cut." "It should, and it must be cut in the old fashioned way. Did you ever cut corn in the old fashioned way?" "You mean with a corn-knife.

Be sure you observe what private conclusions he draws from all his observations. If you have watched him less carefully than I suppose, his thoughts may be tempted in another direction; he may consider himself a person of great importance in the world, when he sees so much labour concentrated on the preparation of his dinner.

But, as I was saying, your honour 'bout the women-creturs in general " "Enough of them, Bunting; let us suppose you have been so fortunate as to find one to suit you how would you woo her?

She took time and then said: 'Suppose we should address ourselves to that tendency in him of which we have made ourselves quite sure. Suppose my conscience 'And we know what a conscience it is, my soul. Yes? 'Suppose my conscience should not allow me to keep to myself any longer what that upstart girl told me of the Secretary's having made a declaration to her.