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He left me there, wounded and alone 'twas all he could do while he went for help about a thousand miles away it must have seemed, even to an Indian. I thought it was my last message to you, dearie, for I never expected to be found alive; but I was, and when you wrote back, sending your letter to 'The Sign of the Sunflower, Oh, little girl, the old trail blossom was glorified for me forever."

Not a man suspected that the plain man of the prairie could develop into the lord of the manor, and put and keep not only the able and cultured Seward, but the turbulent Stanton and the obstreperous Chase, in their places. The pettifogger of the West simply expanded, like its sunflower, in the fierce white light around the chair, and was the lion, among the lesser creatures.

The Kid read the explanatory footnote. "'Sunflower, away badly, and messed about the first part of the journey; had no chance to catch the leaders, but closed strong under the whip." "Uh-huh," said Old Man Curry. "Good as far as it goes, but that's all. Might as well tell a lie as part of the truth.

Then Uncle Wiggily thanked the sunflower, and laid it gently down, and hopped on his way again to seek his fortune. And the story after this, in case the washbowl and pitcher don't do a funny dance in the middle of the night and wake up my puppy dog, I'll tell you about Uncle Wiggily and the lightning bugs.

Miller kept his face turned to him, as the sunflower to the sun; and when I spoke, and he tried to turn to me, his head whirled back again.

Thar's notices printed plenty big, an' posted up in every drink-shop from the dance hall to the Sunflower saloon; which they reads as follows RUIN! RUIN! RUIN! CUT LOOSE! JACK RAINEY MAKES GOOD ALL DRINKS FOR ONE WEEK. NAME YOUR POISON! "'At this yere time, it's about half through Jack Rainey's week, an' the pop'lace of Lido, in consequence, is plumb happy an' content.

Felipe's body was washed ashore, but Truxill's never came; only his gay, braided hat of golden straw that same sunflower thing he waved to her, pushing from the strand and now, to the last gallant, it still saluted her. But Felipe's body floated to the marge, with one arm encirclingly outstretched.

The yew trees, shaped like stags or armchairs, succeeded to the tree that seemed thunder-stricken, extending transversely from the elm row to the arbour, where tomatoes hung like stalactites. Here and there a sunflower showed its yellow disk. The Chinese pagoda, painted red, seemed a lighthouse on the hillock.

A deep pink convolvulus was common, which grew upon a bush, not on a vine, and was a large and thrifty plant. Sage and wormwood were seen everywhere, and on the streams we found larkspur, aconite, little white daisies and lungwort, lupines and the ever-present sunflower. But usually all was barren barren hills, barren valleys, barren plains.

"six, three, and eleven, are twenty." "Now who holds number two? what lady or gentleman holds number two? Pray, step forward!" The Sunflower drew near Green looked confused she fixed her eye upon him, half in fear, half in entreaty would he offer to throw for her? No, by Jove, Green was not so green as all that came to, and he let her shake herself.