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To establish or aid day-schools, Sunday-schools, and adult-schools, taught and conducted only by believers and on thoroughly scriptural principles. To circulate the Holy Scriptures, wholly or in portions, over the widest possible territory.

She is already worshiped, and we must expect this feeling to spread, territorially, and also to deepen in intensity. Particularly after her death; for then, as any one can foresee, Eddy-Worship will be taught in the Sunday-schools and pulpits of the cult.

Joy could not be felt till after sorrow till after total renunciation of self. What need had he now of money? None, that he could see. The world was full of glorious things, and the old man weeping in his arms was the most glorious of all. The various rural Sunday-schools were holding an annual singing convention at Level Grove within a mile of Saunders's home.

If it is in vain to say, "Let the Bible be read in our Public Schools," or "let our children receive religious instruction from their parents, or in Sunday-schools, in order to arrest the fast-spreading crimes of the land," it is still more in vain to say, "Let the Legislature be called upon."

I had started a teacher-factory and a lot of Sunday-schools the first thing; as a result, I now had an admirable system of graded schools in full blast in those places, and also a complete variety of Protestant congregations all in a prosperous and growing condition. Everybody could be any kind of a Christian he wanted to; there was perfect freedom in that matter.

The windows, including a very brilliant oriel, are finely stained: the font is a delicate piece of carving, the organ is grand, and the accommodations for Sunday-schools and lectures are of singular perfection. Few shrines in this country show better the modern movement of Methodism toward luxury and elegance, as compared with the repellant humiliations of Wesley's day.

The last thirty years, however, have worked a great improvement in the moral condition of the Northumbrian pitmen; the abolition of the twelve months’ bond to the mine, and the substitution of a month’s notice previous to leaving, having given them greater freedom and opportunity for obtaining employment; and day-schools and Sunday-schools, together with the important influences of railways, have brought them fully up to a level with the other classes of the labouring population.

'The fact is, that young ladies have got beyond Sunday-schools! 'No, no, Jane, said her sister; 'Gillian is quite willing to help you; but it is very nice in her to wish to take charge of the children. 'They would be much better with Mrs. Hablot than dawdling about here and amusing themselves in the new Sunday fashion.

"To dare to cross-examine me about the Sunday-schools in the diocese, and Sunday travelling too: I never in my life met his equal for sheer impudence. Why, he must have thought we were two candidates for ordination!" "I declare I thought Mrs. Proudie was the worst of the two," said Mr. Harding.

Sewing-societies and Sunday-schools is the hands she holds flushes in; and she has the preacher once a week to supper; and when it comes to kindergartens Hart was so worked up he talked careless she's simply hell!