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Ye suldna hae kend a word about it, an I had thought it was to spoil your dinner, hinny." "Fed, or unfed," exclaimed Morton, "saddle the horses instantly, Cuddie. We must not rest until we get before the Castle." And, resisting all Ailie's entreaties, they instantly resumed their journey. Morton failed not to halt at the dwelling of Poundtext, and summon him to attend him to the camp.

"But, father," said Jenny, "if they come to lounder ilk ither, as they did last time, suldna I cry on you?" "At no hand, Jenny; the redder gets aye the warst lick in the fray. If the sodgers draw their swords, ye'll cry on the corporal and the guard. If the country folk tak the tangs and poker, ye'll cry on the bailie and town-officers.

But an ye'll hae my opinion, I redd ye keep your mouth better steekit, if ye hope to speed. Shored folk live lang, and sae may him ye ken o'. The way to catch a bird is no to fling your bannet at her. And also thae gentlemen hae heard some things they suldna hae heard, an the brandy hadna been ower bauld for your brain, Major Galbraith.

When the Laird came up with Jeanie, the first words he uttered were, "Jeanie, they say ane shouldna aye take a woman at her first word?" "Ay, but ye maun take me at mine, Laird," said Jeanie, looking on the ground, and walking on without a pause. "I hae but ae word to bestow on ony body, and that's aye a true ane." "Then," said Dumbiedikes, "at least ye suldna aye take a man at his first word.

"I was aye big and buirdly, ye maun understand; a bonny figure o' a woman, though I say it that suldna built to rear bairns braw bairns they suld hae been, and grand I would hae likit it! But I was young, dear, wi' the bonny glint o' youth in my e'en, and little I dreamed I'd ever be tellin' ye this, an auld, lanely, rudas wife! Weel, Mr.

"But, father," said Jenny, "if they come to lounder ilk ither, as they did last time, suldna I cry on you?" "At no hand, Jenny; the redder gets aye the warst lick in the fray. If the sodgers draw their swords, ye'll cry on the corporal and the guard. If the country folk tak the tangs and poker, ye'll cry on the bailie and town-officers.

Elspeth was unco clever in her young days, as I can mind right weel, but there was aye a word o' her no being that chancy. Ane suldna speak ill o' the dead mair by token, o' ane's cummer and neighbour but there was queer things said about a leddy and a bairn or she left the Craigburnfoot.

"And tat's true," said the taller Highlander whose name I found was Stewart "for we suldna be plagued and worried here wi' meetings to pit down Rob Roy, if the Cawmils didna gie him refutch. I was ane o' thirty o' my ain name part Glenfinlas, and part men that came down frae Appine.

And the utmost length that Butler's most earnest entreaties could prevail was, that he would, reserve "the twa pig carles for the Circuit, but as for him they ca'd the Fustler, he should try how he could fustle in a swinging tow, for it suldna be said that a shentleman, friend to the Duke, was killed in his country, and his people didna take at least twa lives for ane."

"I was aye big and buirdly, ye maun understand; a bonny figure o' a woman, though I say it that suldna built to rear bairns braw bairns they suld hae been, and grand I would hae likit it! But I was young, dear, wi' the bonny glint o' youth in my e'en, and little I dreamed I'd ever be tellin' ye this, an auld, lanely, rudas wife! Weel, Mr.