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As he stepped out of a screening thicket on to driftwood piled by storm and tide, he saw a rowboat hauled up on the shingle above reach of short, steep breakers, and a second glance showed him Betty sitting on a log close by, looking at him. "Stormbound?" he asked her. "Yes. I was rowing and the wind came up." She rose and came over to look at the dead deer.

Man alive" this to Number Five "why didn't you come before? This is no time to stand on ceremony or stay on post, either. My striker's stormbound somewhere. I'd help you if I could, but I can't. Help yourselves now, best you can; rub and kick all you want to; dance if it'll warm you."

A canoe can be paddled only in almost smooth water, and we were frequently stormbound on some desolate island or point of land for two or three days at a time.

The Baltimore boat had not arrived, and could not get in. The waves at the wharf rolled in, black and heavy, with a sullen beat, and the sky shut down close to the water, except when a sudden stronger gust of wind cleared a luminous space for an instant. Stormbound: that is what the Hygeia was a winter resort without any doubt. The hotel was put to a test of its qualities.

They met no natives from whom their stocks of deer and other skins could be replenished, and so when they were stormbound for a day here and there they darned and patched so as to prolong the life of their shoes.

The term of duty on the rocks is two weeks; at the end of each fortnight two happy men go ashore and two grumpy ones come off; that is, if the weather permits a landing, for keepers have been stormbound for as long as seven weeks. The routine of duty is much the same in all of the lighthouses.

Baccalaos is the name often given by the French to Newfoundland, the word itself being of Basque origin and meaning 'codfish, while Carpunt will be remembered as a harbour beside Belle Isle, where Cartier had been stormbound on his first voyage. The king made every effort to further Roberval's expedition.

But he was able to take his sip of brandy to his dying day and repeat to himself the word of God hymns and verses from the Bible. Now he has passed on to eternity. But his memory lives like a stone- -a large, moss-covered stone by the wayside. Jón TRAUSTI I was stormbound in the fishing village.

Even after the repairs were made, it seemed impossible for the NC-4 to catch up with the other two machines, and she was held stormbound for five days. On May 14th she finally got away from Chatham, and, with her new engines, made the fastest time over the short course to Halifax recorded since the beginning of the flight.

"We'll pretend we're pioneers stormbound in their log cabin in the woods, and the wolves are howling outside, and they daren't go out, so they make a lovely big fire and sit in front of it and read." "And eat candy," suggested Tibby, warming to the idea. "And eat candy," agreed Jill. Mrs Mariner frowned.