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Throp would sam up all t' bits o' fallen wool that he could find, an' Throp's wife would wesh 'em an' card 'em an' spin 'em into yarn, an' then shoo'd knit t' yarn into stockin's an' sell 'em at Keighley an' Colne.

Eben Flanders wouldn't lie for anybody. But I'll bet Abagail Flanders beat our old revolutionary four-mothers in thinkin' out new laws, when she lay round under stairs and behind barrels in her night-gown. When a man hides his wife's stockin's and petticoats it is governin' without the consent of the governed.

"He said we might as well make up our minds, I tied a stockin' round his arm, but he took it off again because he said he didn't wear his stockin's no, I guess it wasn't his stockin's; it was his heart on his sleeves. But he said he was in mournin', too." Miss Theodosia gave it up. She appealed to Stefana in gentle despair. "You tell me, dear. What does she mean?"

His shirt-bosoms was pleated finer than they ever was, and them ruffles 'round his wrists was kep' like the driven snow; and there warn't a brack in his silk stockin's, and his shoe buckles was kep' polished up, and his coats brushed; and then there warn't no bread and biscuit like Huldy's; and her butter was like solid lumps o' gold; and there wern't no pies to equal hers; and so the doctor never felt the loss o' Miss Carryl at table.

"Whaur's yer stockin's, mem?" he said. "You gave me no time to bring them away, you caught me up so rudely," answered the girl half querulously, but in such lovely speech as had never before greeted his Scotish ears. Before the words were well beyond her lips he was already on his way back to the rock, running, as he walked, with great, heavy footed strides.

But he went on drivin' the arrow of higher criticism still deeper into my onwillin' breast. "I'll bet you didn't see his legs tied together at the ankles, or his trouses slit up the sides to show gauze stockin's and anklets and diamond buckles.

I've darned many a 'eartfelt prayer into a wore-out pair o' stockin's before now an' offered up many a petition t' the Throne o' grace with my scrubbin' brush sloshin' over the floor. Anyway, Hermy 'n' me ain't never had much time for church-goin' or prayer meetin's or mindin' our souls in our best frocks an' bonnets no, sir!

"Er never had nuthin' done to him, neither," the boy continued, rocking vigorously in his little chair. "Mustn't speak so of Christ," the mother added. "Wal," said Paul, rising, "I guess I'll hang up my stockin's." "One'll do, Paul," said his sister Polly, with a knowing air. "No, 'twon't," the boy insisted. "They ain't half 's big as yours.

Who who wuz a-goin' to notice what you had on to the World's Fair; and providin' we wuz clean and hull, and respectable-lookin', who wuz a-goin' to know or care whether our stockin's wuz open work or plain knittin'?

That was an amazin' smart trick of mine, Dannie. Howsomever, we hain't got no more time to talk. I'm goin' to give you five dollars, Dannie, an' I want you to go to the landin' an' spend it fur me. Get me a pair of shoes number 'levens, you know an' two pair stockin's, an' spend the heft of the rest fur tobacker.