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Presently he felt motion. He chuckled. The vast ironic humour of it: he was starting on his honeymoon! Meanwhile the doctor, upon returning to his office, found Ah Cum in the waiting room. "Why, hello, Ah Cum! What's the trouble?" Ah Cum took his hands from his sleeves. "I should like to know where Mr. Spurlock has gone." "Did he owe you money?" "Oh, no!" "Then why do you wish to know?"

For McClintock was certain that Spurlock was a hunted man. Well, well; all he himself could do would be to watch this singular drama unroll. The night before they made McClintock's Ruth and Spurlock leaned over the rail, their shoulders touching.

"I have one, and Spurlock, the line-chief, has one. Hallock has the third." "Always Hallock!" was the half-impatient comment. "I hope you don't suspect him of stealing your wire." McCloskey tilted his hat over his eyes, and looked truculent enough to fight an entire cavalry troop. "That's just what I do," he gritted. "I've got him dead to rights this time.

An inarticulate instinct which now found expression. Upon what this instinct was based she could not say; she was conscious only of its insistence. Briefly explained, she was as the child who discards the rag baby for the living one. Spurlock was no longer a man before this instinct; he was a child in trouble. Her cogitations were dissipated by a knock on the door.

"Did you ever hear me whine?" "No," admitted McClintock "You've no objection to my dropping in again later, after your guests go?" "No. When I'm alone I don't mind." "Very well. You won't mind if I empty this gin?" "No. Befuddle yourself, if you want to." Silence. Spurlock mused over the previous night.

"Come in," called Dick, but the door opened just as he was calling. Mr. Kramer, of the yearling class, stepped inside. "Mr. Spurlock requests me to inform Mr. Prescott that he demands a fight, at as early a moment as possible." "My compliments to Mr. Spurlock, and I will meet him here in barracks, to-night, I hope. Mr. Holmes has consented to act as one of my seconds."

Spurlock chuckled, and a bit of chestnut, going down the wrong way, set him to coughing violently. When the paroxysm passed, he was forced to lean against the window-jamb for support. "That young man had better watch his cough," said Spinster Prudence. "He acts queerly, too." "They always act like that after drink," said Ruth, casually.

She hated to leave; for this hour would be the most interesting. Both Spurlock and McClintock stood by their chairs until she was gone. "Yes, sir," said McClintock, as he sat down; "that's South Sea stuff, that yarn of yours. I like the way you shared it. I have read that authors are very selfish and self-centred."

Within forty-eight hours the girl would be on her way east and the boy see-sawing the South China Sea, for ever moving at absolute angles. "Then you haven't heard?" "Of what?" "Well, well!" cried the manager, delighted at the idea of surprising the doctor. "Miss Enschede and Mr. Spurlock for that's his real name were married at high noon."

McClintock had demanded, irascibly. He had particular reasons for wanting to keep Spurlock away from the jetty. "I haven't any answer for that; but I'm going back after her. She wanted to come, and I wouldn't let her." "Run along, then." "To me, you dirty blackguard!" cried Spurlock, flinging aside his helmet.